Disqualified ❤️🩵

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Ashley: What do you mean?

- Sora growled-

Ashley: Don't growl at me!

Sora: You should know what I mean!

[ Sora's Confessional:

Sometimes when I get close to my breaking point my sister will try to calm me down. I'm so glad I have her in my life.

If it wasn't for her I would've been in prison by now. ]

Lily: Sora!!!

Sora: What?!

Lily: You might wanna see this!

Sora: I gotta go.

Ashley: Okay. Oh. If you win Romantic Paradise are you still taking me to Paris?

Sora: ................

Ashley: Sora?

Sora: Probably. Bye!

- Sora hang up the phone and went downstairs-


Jaxx: You know Jessica. Maybe you're right.

Jessica: I told you. I can't wait for you to start a new love life.

- Jessica kissed him. She saw Sora and smiled evilly-

Amy: What's going on? Oh no this trick didn't.

Sora: .............

[ Sora's Confessional:

Remember when I told Jaxx to never mess with me when it comes to my love? That wasn't directed towards him. That was directed towards everyone.

If you cheat on me, or if someone tries to steal my crush or partner it will not be pretty! Just ask Amy. ]

Amy: Sora.......

[ Amy's Confessional:

Yeah. He wasn't lying about that. One time his boyfriend cheated on him and he stabbed him in the chest. Then he hired a hitman to kill the guy's side chick.

Jessica. You better ran if I were you. ]

Jessica: Let me know if you called it off with Sora.

Jaxx: Don't worry. I will.

Sora: Hello bitch.

Jessica: Ugh. What do you want?

Sora: Just trying to give my boyfriend a kiss.

Jessica: I think you mean my boyfriend?

Sora: Hahaha. You're so fucking funny!

Jaxx: Sora-

Sora: Shut up! I'll deal with you later.

Jessica: You don't scare me Sora! 

Sora: Jessica you should be scared of me! I may be funny, and pretty. But I am Crazy! Crazier than Jaxx!!

Jessica: You're just talking all of this mess.

Sora: Like I said, I'm crazier than my own boyfriend. So I'm gonna give you one last chance to back away from Jaxx.


Jessica: No. You may think you're crazy! WELL I'M CRAZIER THAN YOU'LL BE!

- Sora got close to Jessica and pushed her in the pool-

Sora: Next time, your head will be off! Don't mess with me!

- Jessica got out of the pool. She ran up to Sora saying she's gonna kill him. Luckily the security guards stopped her-

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