Week 6- Valentine's Day Paradise

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Charli: Have you guys heard the news?

Alejandro: What news? Valentine's day?

Charli: Yep! I wish Light was still here.

Levi: Charli. We all know Light won't give you anything special.

Charli: Okay then what are you gonna give Layla for Valentine's day?

Levi: You'll see. It's something she'll never forget.

Sora: What special thing?

Levi: Sora. Mind your business. We already know Jaxx is gonna go all put for you on Valentine's day.

Sora: Oh. Anyway, You guys do know Amy's birthday is today right?

Luca: Today's Amy's birthday?!

Sora: Yeah.

Charli: Oh shoot. I didn't get her anything.

Sora: It's okay. We're just going alot of places for Valentine's day.

Valentina: Hey Sora. I know this one place we can go.

Sora: It's not the mall is it?

Valentina: No.

Spra: Okay good.

Valentina: There's this place called Casa de fuego amor. They're doing a Valentine's day special. They let the couple eat for free.

Sora: Hmmm. That's not a bad place.

Luca: But there's a problem. It's Valentine's day. That restaurant is probably booked.

Valentina: No. I know the guy that owns the restaurant. He doesn't let anyone in at night anymore.

Charli: Do they also do birthdays?

Valentina: Yeah. So we can celebrate Amy's birthday there.

Amy: Hey y'all!

Sora: Bestie!!!

- Sora gave Amy a hug-

Sora: Happy Birthday!

Amy: Thank you Sora.

Levi: Yeah. Happy Birthday.

Amy: So. Are you guys planning anything for my birthday?

Valentina: Yeah. We're going to this restaurant. They do a birthday and Valentine's day special.

Jessica: Wait. Amy today's your birthday?

Amy: Um Yes! Do you not see the birthday girl ribbon on my shirt?!

Jessica: Okay sorry. Happy birthday.

Amy: Thank you. So what's the name of the restaurant?

Sora: It's called Casa de fuego amor.

Amy: Oh I heard of that place before. They have the best fucking drinks there.

Jessica: Who's idea was it for us to got there?


Sora: Anyway-

Jessica: Who's idea was it for us to go there?

Valentina: Don't EVER interrupt Sora!

Amy: Yeah! Just for that, you're uninvited to my birthday dinner.

Jessica: What?!

Luca: Jessica just go away. Nobody even asked you to be here.

Levi: Yeah leave.

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