Elimination pt.2

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- Everyone was outside either in the pool or getting some fresh air-

Layla: What?!

Amy: Yeah. Light called Sora that.

Layla: Oh hell no. Light's going home!

Amy: I know. You should expose him. We part of an alliance remember?

Layla: Yeah. I'm doing that for sure.

Brief intermission

Sora fan: Ugh. I can't believe Light called Sora a slut. This is why he's my least favorite Squad Member.

Light fan: Excuse me?! Not only is Light a short King. But he's the best member there is.

Luca fan: um guys please don't fight.

Light fan: You can't be talking your a Luca fan.

Luca fan: Luca was robbed on the Ultimate Competition so they deserve to win.

( A/N: quick little authors note. I put Luca as they because in a video Luca goes by they/them. But idk if it's confirmed so I'm putting that on this story for now. )

Charli/ Jaylnn fan: Yeah. Luca was robbed.

Sora fan: Shut the hell up. Why are you rooting for Jaylnn? She's not part of the squad.

Charli/ Jaylnn fan: I'm also rooting for Charli. Bitch.

Sora fan: Well as the leader of our squad and is a fan of Inquisitormaster, I say to root for someone that is ONLY in the squad to win. Candi doesn't count.

Jaxx fan: Yeah. Listen to Sora fan. She's the boss. Just like Sora.

Light fan: Whatever. And Jaxx fan stop being such a follower.

Luca fan: Yeah didn't Jaxx won the Ultimate Competition?

Sora fan: Yes but he's my 3rd favorite squad member so he deserves to be on the show. And plus he learned his lesson. I hope.

Levi fan: Wait who's your 2nd favorite?

Sora fan: Well it was originally Jaxx but after what he did to Sora Luca's my 2nd favorite.

Luca fan: Period.

Light fan: Light's the king in my opinion.

Sora fan: I'm sorry bitch what did you just say?!

Jaxx fan: Yeah did you not hear what he said to Sora?!

Light fan: Well Sora is my least favorite Squad Member ever since he joined soooo he deserved it.

Sora fan: Do you wanna fight you short ass midget?!

Alex fan: Sora fan please calm down.

Sora fan: Shut up! You must have forgotten who is boss of this group Light fan. I'm the leader not your ugly ass! And in this group if you talk trash about Sora then your immediately out of the group.

Light fan: You called me a midget! Nobody calls me a midget. Let's fight.

Sora fan: Hahaha. Okay then square up bitch!

Jaxx: Has anyone seen Sora?

Eric: Why do you care?

Jaxx: Because he's my boyfriend you asshole.

Maki: Well-

Jaxx: Maki I apologized to Sora like a thousand times.

- Amy and Layla overheard Jaxx. Amy gave Layla the signal to expose Light-

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