Chapter 2 Part 12

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In the House of the Sky sisters, Lina is teaching Ateam all of the basics of light ki, while Lina's sisters begin preparing dinner and dessert for their special guests for tomorrow.

Now in the middle of Ateam's training, Lina trains him on how to sense the person's emotions. So she tells him, "For this training I want you to sense, How I feel, so go ahead and tell me, what emotions are you sensing from me?"

"Ok," he says with a nod as he forces on sensing her emotions, "I sense you are.. relaxed, happy, proud and calm."

"That's right, she happily says, "good job Ateam, now I'll show you, how to give your energy to the others that need it."

As she mentions this, Miku comes out from the kitchen, feeling tired from preparing the food, she heads over to living room and sits down on the blue sofa to relax.

Seeing her opportunity to teach Ateam his next lesson, Lina gestures to him to follow her as they go to Miku, once there Lina asks, "Feeling tired dear sis?"

"Ya, I'm pooped from preparing the dinner. She answers, "I had to mix all the ingredients for the buffalo dip pretty well, since it was big and then make some other dinners to make it have a good feast."

"Well let us help you regain your strength," Lina says as she lays her hand on hers, "you do the same, Ateam."

"Oh ok." he says as he quickly does it, then Lina focus on her Light ki and let it flow through her, straight to Miku.

Miku can feel her energy being restored, but only a little bit as Lina wanted Ateam to do it as well.

"Alright, Ateam try to let your ki flow through you to Miku, to restore her energy."

He nods as he begins focusing on giving Miku his energy to recover, once he get the flow of it down, the two give Miku enough energy to continue on prepare the rest of the dinner, she thanks the two as she heads back kitchen to finish up with the food.

"Well done, Ateam." Lina says as she puts her hand on his head and pats him. "Soon, you be a natural in no time."

"You really think so?" He says with hope in his eyes.

"Mhm," she nodes with a smile.

"Thanks sis," he says warmly as he hugs her leg, "That means alot."

Can't help his sweetness and cuteness, Lina picks him up into her arms and give him a snuggle hug with Ateam doing the same.

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