10. Murder Family - 2

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"Byeee! And, don't worry, we'll get that skank in less than twenty-four hours or your first kill is free!" Blitzø sing-songs as the car drives away, receaving a weirded glance from Moxxie.

"When did we start implementing that deal?" The white haired imp asks, getting a glare from his boss.

"When you set fire to my office in front of a CLIENT, YOU FUCKIN' DIPSHIT!!" Blitzø yells, grabbing his face before pushing him away.
"Now, someone please tell me that fancy book is still intact!"

"Your boyfriend's book?" I smirk, wiggling my eyebrows. He plants his whole hand in my face, pushing me away with an eyeroll before Loona answers instead.

"You mean... our only ticket to the other side? Yeah. Got it." She says, typing in her phone as she gets the book out.

"And that's why you're my favorite, Loonie. You get a tweat, now!" He says in a baby voice, holding up a dog biscuit but his daughter just looks at him, disgusted.

"Ew. Stop." He then throws the treat into the air, catching it with his tongue and chewing loudly. Loona slams the book closed, growling at him.
"You're so gross!" I notice as Millie draws a pentagram with chalk on the wall, suddenly glowing red and creating a portal to the human world. I peek into it, instantly amazed, but I wait for the others first, just in case.

"Awwww, stop it. I get enough of that from my therapist." Blitzø tells his daughter, and I smirk at the remark.

"Go get some real therapy, boy. Satan knows you need it." I tease, getting a pout and a glare from my friend.

"Shut the fuck up. Now, let's go lick some ass!" He says enthusiastically, about to go through the portal.

"The expression is "kick some ass"... Blitzø." She corrects, snapping her fingers at him as she walks through the portal. He grumbles a bit, walking in after her.

"Mine's better."

"Aww, fuuuck..." Moxxie sighs, getting in too and I give Loona a small excited wave before following them to the human realm.

Walking through the portal feels somehow messily clean, like going through jelly but not getting it all over yourself. Earth's air feels different too; refreshing. I wipe my head around quickly to watch the portal closing behind me, completely shocked at the display.

Looking around there's rows after rows of green trees, the sky darkening above me as I just look around, astonished at the beauty.

"Hey, dumbass, don't fall behind." Blitzø calls, and I finally notice how they're a bit ahead of me, already deep in the woods. I do a little jog to catch up quickly, walking alongside my friend while we follow M&M to the location.

"All of this is so cool." I whisper-yell, still looking around perplexed.

"Eh, it's alright." He shrugs, not really taking the time to look around as he rummages around with his coat. I squint my eyes at him confused, before he finally gets one hand out of the clothing, handing me a gun.

"...now what the fuck do you expect me to do with that?" I ask, unimpressed.

"Shoot someone? Fuck if I know, just take it!"

"Why?!" I give him a confused look, looking at him like he's grown a brand new head.

"So you can defend yourself?! What are you not getting?" He says, looking as confused as I am.

"Oh you fucking- I've trained with guys like- two times? And I've been playing around with knives my whole life. You think a gun will save my life?"

"Well it might!" He shrugs, and I huff in annoyance at the imp, kicking a rock on the ground as I start walking faster to catch up with our colleagues.

"Now you're just being stupid, what is this shit about?" I hear a scoff behind me, and I give him a dirty look before he jogs a little to catch up to me in between his disbelief.

"I just want you to be able to protect yourself on your first mission?"

"I can handle myself, and that's a lie. Now try again."

"Humans are dangerous."

"False, they're dumb and hot-headed. Last try."

"Ugh- haven't you changed even a bit?! You could've at least dropped that nasty attitude of yours!!" I chuckle at his outburst, smirking mockingly.

"Fuck you." I say, shrugging his accusations off.

"Um... Y'all okay there?" I hear an accent question us wearily, and I instantly relax my smirk into a soft smile while looking at a confused Millie.

"Yeah, we're fine, don't worry. Blitzø's just being dramatic as fuck." He looks about to snap back again but stops at my eyeroll, scoffing instead.

"Can you guys stop already? We're here." Moxxie says with an uninterested tone, pointing to a house behind some bushes.

"Fucking finally Moxxie, took you long enough." Blitzø grumbles, pushing his employee while making his way to the house, making him almost lose balance on his own feet. I huff in annoyance, following after him and giving the white haired imp an apologetic look.

"I swear I'll beat the shit out of him someday if he keeps being like this." I grumble, also going through the bushes and crouching in front of the house besides Blitzø. Both shorter imps are quick to follow us, standing on both our sides.

I peek into the house from the window, my gaze wandering around the various interesting decorations before I focus on the humans. Two children smile excitedly as their mum lovingly offers dinner to her husband, a bandage around her head. Now don't get me wrong, I guess they might look wholesome to some people, but to me...

"Are all humans so disgusting?" I ask with a small snarl, elbowing Blitzø in question. He chuckles at me, placing his hand on my horn and forcing my head down as he does the same, hiding us both.

"Yep, definitely. Well this is too easy. Moxxie, do you want this one?" He says, and the mention imp couldn't look more pleasantly surprised, letting out an excited sound.


"Yeaaaah, this one's simple enough for you to handle." He forces his employee besides him, pushing me away lightly so Moxxie can get a better look.
"It's just a happy mother who just got out of the hospital." Moxxie hesitates for a moment, taking a look from the window before he's pushed away by his boss.
"You snooze, you lose, Mox!" He says cheerily, looking at his target from the gun's peephole.
"Aaaand I've got ya, bitch."

"Wait... Are we actually killing a family?!" Moxxie freaks out, making his boss eyeroll at him.

"No, don't be a puss. We're just killing a mother. We're ruining a family!" He emphasize, repositioning the rifle as it clicks.

"But... Ho- Hold on, hold on! Let's just think about it." Just as the bullet flies out with a loud bang, the anxious imp moves the rifle, making it miss the target as they both rush down at the sight, freaking out.

"What the fuck was that, Moxxie?!" Blitzø scolds, looking between his employee and me, pushing me away before I try looking through the window again.

"I'm sorry. They just seemed so wholesome and happy. I panicked!" Moxxie wheezes, as the tallest of us facepalms.

"Oh, who the fuck is innocent, Moxxie?! From the moment of birth, you're already a parasite leeching off your momma's tits! Get the FUCK over yourself, you baby dick prune!" He pokes his employee's horns accusingly before pushing him away with a scoff, looking at me instead.
"And you listen dumbass, don't go playing hero now, just follow me so-" He's interrupted with the sound of a gunshot, my eyes widening as I watch the blood instantly start running down his arm.
"AAAAH! A new hole! SCATTER!" He screams, clutching his arm in pain.

I'm quick to act, trying to get him moving instead of getting left behind in pain; I push him ahead and away from the house, pushing Moxxie towards the opposite direction as well.

"You run and don't get yourself killed, asshole!!" I snap, quickly making my way towards an unsure Moxxie, both of us disappearing in the forest away from danger. Last thing I hear before we're left alone is Blitzø's single angered shout.

"Now what did I just say?!"

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