Part 38 : I Lost Love

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Sarah's POV

I gulped in another drink. I had already taken three shots. And I was completely drunk by now.

"You look sad."
I heard a voice from behind. I turned around and saw a man much of my age if not older.

"Someone ditched you?"
I ignored his words sipping on my beer.

"He is a fool definitely, who ditched a sexy woman like you."
He kept his hand on my shoulder. My necklace glowed yellowish-orange and I was about to keep my hand on his when heard a voice.

"She is my girlfriend."
I looked at the direction and saw Jennie. My necklace stopped glowing.

She didn't save me but him, I would have burnt his hands right away.
I rolled my eyes and sipped on my drink.

"Oh, you two friends?"
Jennie gave a look and he nodded.

"Got it. Have fun ladies."
He said and went away. Jennie came and sat on the chair beside me and ordered for a cocktail.

"Sorry, I had to lie."

"I can protect myself."

"I know you can. But I'm here to talk."
She said and I looked at her.

"Does Taehyung know that you are here talking with me?"
She shook her head.

"Why are you here? To invite me to your wedding. Thanks but I'm not coming."
She took a sip of her cocktail.

"I want you and V to get together."

"He hates me... Wait!"
I looked at her shocked. Her that single line got me sober.

"What did you say?"

"That you are Love, he is V and I'm Raya... That I have learnt my past life when I was 20."
At that moment I was sure, everyone who has taken rebirth knows one's past life except Taehyung.

"In past life, I've been a bitch and still at the end you saved my life. Because of me you faced so much humiliation...
I identified you the first day I came to the office and I was happy to know that Taehyung is loving you."
She said and finally looked at me.

"All these years, though I'm not that bad now to humiliate you again but my heart never changed... In last birth also I had loved Taehyung since childhood and so is in this birth. I never changed. I still love him."
I looked away and gulped the whole beer in one go.

"I don't want to marry Taehyung because he was never mine. I want you to make a move Sarah."

"You said you love him, isn't it good that you are marrying him?"

"I love him and still I am asking you to make a move. I hurts a lot. But marrying Taehyung is definitely worse. He is the key to your curse. He is chosen for you by all goddess. My feelings bother least in this case."

"What can I even do to make up a move?"

"Tell him."
I looked at her and she exhaled.

"He doesn't know so you need to tell him. His last life. He is 29, and he doesn't know about his past life. He would never if you won't tell him. And just imagine if we get married and after a couple of year if he remembers his past life, the chaos and problems it will cause.
To control all of it, the chance is in your hands right at this moment. Tell him."

"You don't understand."
I shook my head.
"I can't. I can't tell him."
I stood up ready to leave but she stopped me and then bring up a card.

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