Chapter Twenty: Truth Telling and Do Two Wrongs Make A Right?

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Chris' P.O.V

As I stood adjacent to my apartment door, knowing what was awaiting me the other side, I felt a cold shiver travel down my spine and I wanted nothing more than to just turn around and leave. I wouldn't have known where to go but I would have found somewhere. However, I knew I had to be a man and face this situation head on, pre-empting the consequences that were likely to occur.

Taking a deep breath in and out, I slipped my key into the lock and turned it, loosening the door from its frame. Pushing it shut, I tried to be as quiet as possible but I failed, hearing Chelsea calling my name. "Chris? Chris, is that you?" and the sound of her voice was enough for the guilt I felt to start eating away at me, as if it hadn't done enough of that already.

Slipping my shoes off my feet, I padded my feet over to my bedroom, seeing that the door had been left open ajar. Sighing, I looked down at the floor and exhaled yet another deep breath before I pushed open the door and walked inside, seeing Chelsea sprawled out on my bed, dressed in a red and black lace matching lingerie set and a black satin dressing gown sat upon on her body but had been left undone, allowing me to see the two piece underwear set in all its glory. She had also styled her hair and put on some make-up, which made me feel even more guilty than I was already feeling, if that was even possible.

If the circumstances were different, I would have jumped on her by now but instead, I just sat at the bottom of my bed, my back turned to her, the vision of me and Shannon replaying in my mind like a dreaded nightmare. I felt her shift down the bed as her arms wrapped around me, her mouth significantly close to my ear. "Surprise..." She whispered, kissing and nibbling at my earlobe which resulted in me shutting my eyes tightly, trying my hardest not to cry whilst trying to contain the already raging boner concealed within my clothing.

Her lips travelled from my earlobe down my neck and I had to put a stop to this before it went too far. I couldn't have sex with her with this confession hanging over my head. "I...I have to s...speak to you..." I stammered, using everything I had to not react to the way she was making me feel. 

"Whatever it is, it can wait..." She whispered back as she attached her lips with mine. Losing every ounce of dignity and control I had, I laid her down on the bed as I hovered above her, kissing her passionately. The kiss escalated pretty quickly and I felt her hands tug at my t-shirt and it was only then that I remembered what I was doing and knew that I had to put a stop to it.

"Stop...stop..." I spoke, sitting up on my heels as I scrambled back to the end of the bed, placing my head in my hands. 

"Chris?" Chelsea called in a confused tone, her body now sat at the side of me. "What's going on?"

"I have something I need to tell you..." I whispered, mustering up the courage to look at her but only briefly. "Something that you're not going to like..."

"Let me guess...this is about Shannon. Am I right?" She asked, already sounding pissed off and I was only going to take that to the next level. Knowing my voice would deceive me if I spoke, I nodded my head. "Come on then. What's she done?" 

Staying silent, I began planning on the words in my head but realising that no matter what I said would soften the blow, I just dropped the bombshell. "I kissed her." I admitted, feeling sick to my stomach at my admission.

The air was silent for a moment and you could have cut the tension with a knife but I wasn't shocked when Chelsea did what she always did in scenarios like this and she laughed it off. "You kissed her?" She scoffed, an uncomfortable laugh following her words. "Come on Chris, you don't expect me to believe that, do you?" 

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