Chapter Three: Personal or Business?

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Chelsea's P.O.V

After an eventful few days, it was back to another working week at the No. 10 clothing headquarters. I can't believe that I actually work for Chris' clothing brand but we'd never crossed paths before. I'm beginning to really like him, because he's just an all-round great guy. He's good looking, funny, flirty but you can also have banter with him, which is definitely a quality I look for in a guy.

Parking my car into a spot in the company car park, I remembered that Chris told me he'd actually be coming into the Headquarters at some point this week but didn't tell me when. He probably just wants to catch me off guard and surprise me by popping in on a whim, but I'm one step ahead, making sure I looked presentable enough in case he decided today was the day to do so.

Heading into the building, I said a quick good morning to the woman on reception before catching the lift up to my office. My dream, one day, is to have my very own, private design studio, with state of the art equipment but for now, I have to share a communal office, with several other members of staff and all I've got is a standard Apple iMac, in order for me to work on my creations for some of the merchandise that is, potentially, going to be sold.

Stepping out of the lift, I entered the office, wishing everyone who was already here a 'good morning' before I walked over to where my desk was situated. My desk was over by the window, considering I enjoy working in natural lighting. It's brilliant in the summer months but obviously, when the weather is dull, so is my working atmosphere.

Taking a seat, I shoved my handbag under the table and logged into my computer, bringing up some of the designs that I'd made a start on creating last week. I studied them, making a few tweaks here and there. I didn't want to get too carried away because until I know exactly what Chris is looking for, I can't really plan many things but I always feel its good to get one step ahead of the game and go into this planning meeting with a few ideas up my sleeve.

While I was just casually designing and minding my own business, my telephone rang. Every desk in this office has a telephone situated on top, each with its own direct line so whoever needs us can get hold of us that little bit easier. Picking up the handset, I placed it to my ear. "Hello..." I spoke, the receptionist relaying some information to me, making me smile coyly. "No, it's okay. Send him up." I responded before saying goodbye and placing the handset back down.

Seems like I must have psychic powers because Chris is actually here right now and has asked to see me personally before the meeting starts. Normally, it's only official workers for the company who are allowed into the office but considering it's Chris' clothing brand, I suppose an exception has to be made for him.

Trying to suppress my smile from growing any wider at the thought, I continue working until I hear the door to the office opening, my eyes looking up to see him, his infectious, handsome smile proudly displayed on his face, and lo and behold...he was dressed in a football kit. Wow, he really did stick to his word, and I had to physically stop myself from drooling at the sight.

The closer he was getting to me, I also noticed he had brought me a coffee, which happened to be from the exact same coffee shop where we'd shared our first date. God, he's so fucking cute!

"You know you're not actually allowed in here but considering you've brought me a coffee, I'll let you off." I teased, my eyes lighting up and smile growing wider.

"How do you know the coffee is for you?" He smirked, his eyebrow raising but he wasn't able to keep up the teasing stakes. "Only joking, thought you may have needed a pick me up to get you through the day." He continued, placing the takeaway coffee cup down on my desk in front of me.

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