Chapter Thirteen: I've Missed You.

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A.N-I just want to apologise for my lack of uploads the past however many months. Truth is, I've been a bit stuck for ideas of where I want to go with this story, considering I don't really plan in advance, I just tend to run with chapter ideas freely. I'm hoping to try and get back into uploading consistently, but there will be times where I cannot post. Anyways, lets get back into the love story of Chelsea and Chris 🥰

Chelsea's P.O.V

It was another mundane, but busy day at the office. Everyone here is working hard to meet specific deadlines in the timeline to Chris' newest merch release and I'm currently overlooking developments whilst also creating some more ideas also. We seem to have met every single deadline on time so far, so I hope that's only set us up in good stead to meet future deadlines in the same way, meaning that the official merch release date will go without a hitch. Chris has entrusted all his faith in me, and I really don't want to let him down.

Speaking of Chris, I haven't seen him for around a week now as he's been abroad, filming for his '0 degrees vs 40 degrees Football Challenges' video. He's filming in both Norway and Dubai, and I can't say that I'm not jealous. Maybe not so much of him being in Norway, although I would love to see the Northern Lights but Dubai has always been on my bucket list. Chris did offer me the opportunity to go with him, but I cannot keep taking the piss with work, even though it is Chris' company so instead he's taken Ethan, Harry, Arthur, Reev, George and Danny.

Chris and a few of the other boys are due back in London in the next few days and I agreed to pick him up from the airport and spend the weekend at his. Chris got me a spare key cut for his flat, just in case I felt lonely and wanted to feel his presence but also just for me to keep an eye on it, considering it's been empty. His tenancy on his apartment runs out in the next couple of months and he hasn't bothered renewing it and he's going to be living with George, ArthurTV and Arthur Hill for the foreseeable, or until we feel comfortable to get to that stage of moving in together.

I'll be honest though, the days that we can't spend together, 99% of the time I'm miserable. Don't get me wrong, I know it's a healthy part of a relationship when couples end up having time away from each other but I miss him more than anything. We're well and truly still in the honeymoon phase of our relationship and I love nothing more than being cuddled up on the sofa with him watching a movie or straddling him in bed whilst we fuck each others brains out. 

Before I let my brain divert me down a track that would potentially need a cold shower and some help from my bullet vibrator later on, I continued focusing on the endless list of jobs and deadlines that I need to meet, remember that even though we were on good stead timeline wise, I knew no-one involved in the project could afford to start slacking which would subsequently result in us falling behind.

As I was tying up a few admin problems, my landline telephone started ringing on the desk. Absentmindedly, I picked it up, placing the handset to my ear whilst my eyes still focused on my iMac computer, my other hand firmly placed on the mouse.

"Hello." I spoke, the receptionist relaying a message to me. "Look, could you try and delay them because I'm super busy right now?" I asked but she continued to insist that this 'person' wanted to see me. "Okay. Send them up. Thank you." I rushed before placing the handset back down and sighing.

Turning my attention back to my computer, I heard a knock at the office door. It was only me in here currently because all the other staff were off working in separate parts of the headquarters. Glancing up, all I could see was a giant bouquet of pink and white roses through the very small window, rendering me confused. The more I stared, the more I could feel the butterflies erupting in my stomach, having a feeling that I knew who was hiding themselves behind the massive gesture.

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