Chapter Fourteen: The Sidemen Charity Football Match 2023.

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Chelsea's P.O.V

9th September 2023...the date of the biggest Sidemen Charity Football Match against the YouTube Allstars.

In a mere few hours, 67,000 fans are going to be packed into the London Stadium, which was also the home of Ethan's favourite football team 'West Ham United'. The weather is glorious, the anticipation is nail-biting and I for one, cannot wait to see how things pan out. 90 minutes of watching my boyfriend in a football kit, life can't get any better than that surely? After the match and once all the players have showered and freshened up, the Sidemen had booked out a large venue in London for the after-party and I can't wait to party the night away with my handsome man and all our friends.

I was currently travelling to the stadium on a bus with some of the players nearest and dearest, including wives, partners and families. All the players had left for the stadium around an hour before we did as they had to go over team logistics and also have a warm-up session before the fans started to arrive. Sitting at a table with Freya, Talia, Faith and Ellie, we began talking about team tactics and which team we thought had the better chance of winning. 

"I honestly do think it could be anyone's game." I truthfully confessed, because both teams had both strong and weak players. "I mean, the Sidemen have got Harry, Simon, Tobi etc...and the YouTube Allstars have got Theo, Chris, Filly. It's going to be a very close match to say the least."

"Well, Ethan is hoping that he scores a goal today..." Faith chirped into the conversation, a few eyebrows raising at her statement.

"Why? Because they're playing in his favourite team's ground?" Ellie queried, taking a swig of champagne from the flute sat in front of her.

"Well there's that...and I promised him that if he scores today, I'd give him a blow-job when we got home later." Faith replied, making all five of us burst out into laughter.

"Planning on making another baby, are you?" Freya teased, smirking at Faith who sat across the table from her.

"Last time I checked, blow jobs didn't make babies." She jokingly replied, the whole of us still in complete hysterics from her previous statement. "Have any of you got any bets on with your partners?"

"I've told Chris that if he doesn't score a goal in today's match, I'm putting him on a sex ban for a week." I admitted, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "Although, that's also a punishment on me as well, so I could very well change my mind."

"Nah, that's a good deal to have because if he doesn't score and you don't end up having sex for a week, think about how good it'll be when the ban is over." Talia remarked and as much as it was a lovely vision, it was also a very unrealistic one.

"Tal, I'm just about to witness Chris wearing a football kit for 90 minutes, which he knows is my weakness. I doubt we'll make it to the after party without some form of sexual tryst." I laughed, beginning to envision Chris in his football kit, sending my mind mentally to the gutter.

"Well, if you disappear for a good while, we know where you are." Freya joked, sending a playful wink in my direction.

Before we knew it, we'd arrived outside the back of the stadium, hearing the uproar of fans queuing up outside ready to gain entry. A member of staff came to greet us and took us up to our VIP section as the boys had hired out a box for all the partners. Families were also granted VIP sections, but all the girlfriends, wives etc had a separate VIP section. Faith disappeared for a while to go and collect Olive, who had been with her mother on the journey up here. Olive was going to be accompanying Ethan out on the pitch during the team introduction segment and I can't wait to see that cute little father-daughter between them.

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