Chapter Eighteen: Second Chances and Ultimatums...

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Chelsea's P.O.V

It's been around a week now since my argument with Chris and it has honestly felt like the longest week of my life. Besides the odd 'Everything okay?' texts from him, there has been zero contact otherwise. To say I'm heartbroken would be an understatement. I don't have an issue with Chris being friends with girls, or even him being friends with his ex-girlfriend but the fact he lied about it is what I have a problem with because if he can lie about something like that, what else is he lying about? He knows that I struggle with trusting people fully, especially after what happened with my ex-boyfriend.

Today, Chris had a meeting to discuss the final details before the merch release. Only issue was, it was a one-on-one meeting with myself, meaning that I couldn't avoid him any longer. Part of me wishes I could send someone else to the meeting to speak on my behalf but I knew that wouldn't be possible and plus, I have missed his handsome face. It's hard not seeing someone's face that you've gotten so used to seeing over the past few months. I've missed his kisses, his caresses, his scent...everything about him. 

I came into the office early this morning, partly to prepare for the meeting and also to distract myself from this impending meeting with Chris, which happened to be in half an hour's time. I kept one eye on the clock the whole time, watching the time decrease whilst feeling the nerves increase within my stomach. Before I knew it, it was time for me to head downstairs to the meeting room, an overwhelming sense of nausea taking over me but I took a few deep breaths to try and contain it, not wanting to vomit all over the carpet in the office.

Collecting up the folder containing all the information that had been accumulated over the past few months, I locked my computer and left the office. I decided to take the stairs down to the meeting room, buying myself a few more minutes to prepare. Arriving on the floor I needed, I strolled as slowly as possible over to the room, noticing the room door was open ajar. Peering inside, I saw the man I was in love with, his back facing the door and I felt my breath hitch in my throat. It sounded strange, but there was a faint smell of his aftershave lingering in the hallway, transporting me back to times when we were happy together, making a small amount of tears brim at my waterline.

Pulling myself together, I took a few deep breaths in and out before I entered the room, the sound of my heels making him turn around immediately, the sight of him knocking the wind out of me. I have to admit, he looked a shadow of his usual self, as if he hadn't slept for days but despite all that, he still looked as handsome as he always did, which hurt my heart even more than it was already hurting. I also couldn't help but feel somewhat awkward about the situation we were in. I mean, how do I greet him? We're not exactly at the stage where we'd be really tactile with each other, but the urge to touch him is so strong right now. 

I felt somewhat relieved when he spoke up first. "Hi." He uttered, the sound of his voice pushing me even closer to breaking point and I already knew that it was going to be an impossible task to get through this meeting without crying at least once. "How have you been?" He asked as I took a seat opposite him at the table, refusing to make eye-contact as much as possible.

"I've been better..." I replied, pulling a few sheets of paper out of the A4 folder that sat at the side of me. "I don't mean to be rude, but we're here to discuss the merch release, not our relationship so if we could just focus on the task at hand please..." I suggested, not wanting to be in this room any longer than I had to be.

I heard a small sigh escape past his lips, but I carried on with the meeting regardless. There wasn't really a lot to discuss, mainly making sure that the final details had been tied down and we also took another look at the timeline, ensuring that the final arrangements were running smoothly as we only had a couple of weeks before the official merch release.

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