Chapter Twelve: The One Where The Ex and Current Girlfriend Collide...

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Chelsea's P.O.V

Today was a typical Saturday in my life. I was currently round Chris' apartment as the two of us were going out for dinner tonight and then I was going to be spending the night at his. To be honest, I'm round his pretty much all the time because I just love spending time with him. I haven't felt this happy in such a long time and now that I've finally found happiness again, I don't want anything to get in the way and potentially ruin the incredible thing we have together.

Chris was currently out on his daily run but I was not a fitness fanatic in the slightest. The thought of going to the gym physically repulsed me and the only thing I would be running is a lovely hot bath later on. Luckily, I was blessed quite a toned physique anyway and I was really thankful to both of my parents for passing down their fantastic genes.

So instead, I spent the afternoon on the sofa, snuggled up under a duvet with an endless supply of snacks and binge-worthy Netflix series for me to slowly work my way through. I was currently in the process of rewatching 'Friends' for like the millionth time. Friends would always be one of my comfort series and no matter how many times I'd watched it, it still knew how to take me on an emotional rollercoaster episode to episode.

While I was in the middle of one of my favourite episodes, I heard three small knocks upon the front door to Chris' apartment, leaving me confused. It was highly unlikely to be Chris because he obviously had a key, but there have been occasions where he has forgotten them or he's come home from a run with a surprise with me and likes to knock for dramatic effect. 

The door was knocked three times again, due to me hesitating going to answer it the first time. Pulling the duvet from my legs, I stood up from the sofa and strode over to the front door, pulling the latch down and the door towards me, revealing a very pretty woman stood the other side, clutching a bag in one hand and a cat in the other and it suddenly dawned on me who it was...Shannon and Smudge!

"Hi." I smiled, hearing Smudge purring contently in Shannon's arm. "You must be Shannon and this must be Smudge..." I continued, giving Smudge a little pat on the head. 

"Yes, and you must be Chelsea..." Shannon responded, looking me up and down. "You're exactly how Chris described you to be..." She added, expressionless and I couldn't quite work out what she meant by that. What exactly had Chris been saying to Shannon behind my back? Before I even had a chance to think up scenarios in my head, Shannon continued speaking. "Where is Chris anyway?"

"Oh, he's just out on his daily run at the moment but you're more than welcome to come in and wait for him to come back. I can pop the kettle on and make you a cup of tea or something..."

"But he told he'd been home at this time! It's his weekend to have Smudge and I've got somewhere I need to be. What's taking him so long?!" She exclaimed and I couldn't help but think she was overreacting somewhat.

"He was a bit delayed leaving but I'm sure he won't be too much longer." I reassured, hoping that would make her calm down somewhat, but it didn't. "If you really have somewhere to be, I can look after Smudge until Chris gets home."

When I suggested that, her facial expression changed to one that like I'd just murdered a family member of hers. "No offence Chloe, Chelsea, whatever your name is...I don't know you and I only allow Smudge to be with people I trust." She replied and I could feel the anger burning up within me at how blunt and rude she was being. "Please do kindly tell Chris that if he cannot be bothered to be at home on time when he's supposed to have Smudge then he won't be having him at all!" And with that, she stormed off down the corridor, leaving me stunned in the doorway to his apartment.

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