Chapter One: Initial Attraction.

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Chris' P.O.V

As I stood in a park, in the middle of central London, I began to question what I'd actually agreed to here. It's a warm, summers day in mid-July and I'm here with my fellow YouTuber friends; Arthur Frederick, otherwise known as ArthurTV, Harry Lewis, otherwise known as Wroetoshaw, Theo Baker, George Clarke and Chip, also known as TheBurntChip on YouTube. We're going to be filming a video for his channel, the premise being based on the board game Monopoly and the sport golf.

I understand why I agreed to it, because I'm trying to keep myself busy since the break-up between myself and my ex-girlfriend. We were together for four and a half years and even though we split amicably and still remain friends(as well as sharing Smudge, our cat), it still hurts knowing that we just don't love each other anymore. There have been moments since our break-up where I could have done with her shoulder to cry on, or just some advice but I've just had to rely on other people for that, knowing that Shannon is currently going through the same thing I am.

However, now that I'm actually stood here in this park, waiting to hear more about the video, I'm starting to question why I actually agreed to it. There's obviously going to be a day of drinking ahead of me, and is really getting drunk something I should be doing at the moment? I suppose not, but it's too late to back out now.

So, I put on my fakest smile and ran along with the concept...

"Welcome to pub golf, Monopoly edition!" Chip announced, everyone cheering the idea and Theo throwing in a useless comment about how he's never played Monopoly before. "Today I, Chippo Crimes, will be your host as we travel from pub to pub, ticking off locations of the world's most iconic board game. There are three rules in play for the entire course. If you spill a drink, you will have one point added to your tally, if you fall over, you will have two points added to your tally and if you throw guessed it, it will be three. Just like normal pub golf, whichever team has the lowest score at the end of the last hole wins."

After he'd finished introducing the premise of the video and what was going to be happening, it was time to hear who we were going to be paired up with and which Monopoly piece we were going to be playing as. I'm secretly hoping I don't get lumbered with Theo again, not because I don't like him as a person(he's actually one of my best mates) but more so for the fact that we lost the last time we were paired up together.

"So, the first team today is going to be...Harry...and Arthur." Chip announced, making me laugh as Theo made an inappropriate inside joke. "Harry, you will be dressed as the iron and Arthur, you will be the wheelbarrow." Chip announced, Theo making yet another passing comment. I have to comment on his wit because he is never short of making jokes at just the right time. "Second team, ChrisMD...and George." He announced and I couldn't help my reaction from slipping past my lips.

"Oh, thank fuck it's not Theo!"

"Chris, you did such a good job as a chicken last time that, this time, you'll be the penguin." Chip told me and even though I knew that there wasn't normally a penguin in a traditional game of Monopoly, I ran with the idea. "George, you are quite a good looking bloke, so you will be the sailor man."

He then went on to announce that he and Theo were the last team left and that their characters were going to be the Monopoly man and the dog, and it was clear to see who was going to be who, given that Chip was already dressed in a top hat and tails, meaning that Theo had no option but to be the dog for today. Can't be any worse than last time, when I was the chicken and he was the egg and I had to push him around in a wheelchair for the majority of the day.

With that, we were handed our outfits and headed off for our first pub of the day. Of course, we were greeted with several stares from the general public because we were dressed like absolute idiots and had a whole camera crew following us. Arthur's outfit came complete with a children's plastic toy wheelbarrow and I can see him causing carnage with it as the day progresses. If anything, myself and George probably look the least ridiculous out of everyone, everyone except Chip, of course.

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