Chapter Seven: Second Thoughts and Reassurance...

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A.N. This chapter is set a few days after the last one.

Chris' P.O.V

Hey. You okay?

Chelsea? 😕

Have I done something wrong? Please talk to me x

Those were just some of the countless messages I've sent to Chelsea. I don't understand what I'm supposed to have done but ever since we slept together a few days ago, she hasn't spoken to me since and I'm beginning to get worried that something has happened or even changed between us.

She hasn't responded to any of my messages, nor any of my phone calls and I'm beginning to question that she's getting second thoughts about us. We're not even officially together, but I know in myself that that's the direction I want to take in terms of our relationship, situationship...whatever you want to call this but I'm beginning to think whether she wants the same thing as I do.

I continued to stare down at my phone screen, silently hoping that I'll see those three little ellipses appear but they never did. Instead, I just got the notification with the time in which she'd read my last message and that was it. Placing my phone down to the side of me, I let out a deep sigh, my emotions in a massive jumble. Am I upset that she's ignoring me? Yes. Am I confused as to what I'm supposed to have done? Absolutely. Am I going to have to try a different strategy to get some answers out of her? I guess so...

It was currently a Wednesday morning and I knew that she would be in the No. 10 headquarters right now. Realising that was the only hope I had in getting her to speak to me, I slipped my trainers off, grabbed my key cars from by the front door and left my apartment.

Getting into my car, I made my way to the headquarters...

Chelsea's P.O.V

Yet another buzz resonating from my phone distracted me from the work I was 'supposed' to be getting on with. Picking it up, I noticed it was another text off Chris, this one reading...

To: Chelsea.

From: Chris.

Have I done something wrong? Please talk to me x 

Sighing, I locked my phone and placed it back down onto my desk, trying to get my mind to focus on what it should be, but it was no use. I'm feeling extremely guilty for ignoring him, but ever since we had sex, I've gotten into my head that I'm just a rebound to him and I cannot shake that thought out of my mind.

I really do like Chris. He's an incredible guy but in order to protect myself, I've put my walls back up and I am trying my hardest to forget about him and all the memories we've shared over the last few weeks. People are going to question whether I'm fully over my ex-boyfriend and up until a few days ago, I thought I was but as it stands right now, I'm not so sure. A three year relationship is really difficult to just forget about in the blink of eye, despite me and my ex not finishing on the best of terms.

Focusing my attention back onto my Apple iMac, I was distracted again when my personal landline phone started ringing. Sighing, I picked it up and placed the handset to my ear. "Hello..." I spoke before the receptionist began relaying some information to me, which left me stunned. Chris was in the building and has requested to see me! "I...I can't. Tell him I'm busy..." I lied, trying to find any excuse not to speak to him but the receptionist relayed that he was refusing to leave the building until he'd spoken with me, resulting in me having no choice. "Fine. Tell him to meet me in the meeting room. I'm heading there now. Bye..."

Placing the handset back down, I locked my computer before I stood up from my desk and left the office and made my way to the meeting room which was down a couple of flights of stairs. Once outside, I noticed that the door was ajar so I peeked inside and saw Chris waiting inside, sat on one of the chairs around the table located in the centre of the room.

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