Chapter Nine: Finally Official?

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A.N-This chapter is set a few days after the previous.

Chelsea's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of soft snores and the feeling of Chris' left arm wrapped around my waist. Today is our last full day here in The Maldives and to say that I'm disappointed that it is almost over would be an understatement. This holiday with Chris has really been a dream come true and if I'm being honest, I don't think any other holiday is going to compare.

Some of the things we've done on this holiday have been once in a lifetime opportunities. We've eaten the most delicious food, spent several hours relaxing by the pool or by doing some sightseeing on the island. We've also 'christened' every room in our villa...but that's a completely different story. 

Today, Chris had organised for us to go on a private boat trip around the island but we aren't doing that until later on this evening, meaning we had the whole morning and afternoon to relax or do some more sightseeing depending on where the mood took us.

Chris let out another soft snore before he stirred and rolled over onto his back, groaning in content as he stretched his body out, his eyes fluttering open slowly. "Morning beautiful..." He whispered, his voice still somewhat gravelly from only being awake a matter of seconds.

"Morning..." I replied, smiling at the compliment he'd just paid me. "Did you sleep well?"

"Amazingly!" He exclaimed, his response a bit more energetic this time. "I've had the best sleep these past few days than I have in ages. I think it's because I've had you here for company and cuddles." He elaborated, kissing my cheek as my smile grew wider. "What about you?"

"I'll be honest, I got so used to sleeping by myself that I thought sharing a bed with someone again would feel really weird but with you, it just feels natural. I feel protected in your arms..." I replied, cringing at my words because I didn't want to come across as being too soppy. "What's the plan for today anyway? I know we've got the boat trip this evening..."

I watched as Chris sat up in bed, placing both of his hands behind his head, indirectly flexing his biceps. "I thought we could grab some breakfast and then maybe venture down to the beach for a couple of hours. We need to be at the harbour for 6pm so I think having a few hours of chill time is needed. Was there anything you wanted to do in particular?" He asked, glancing over at me but I was honestly too distracted by his biceps to take anything in that he'd just said.

Without saying anything, my naked body straddled him, taking him by surprise. I'd been naked for around 75% of the trip, either due to me and Chris being at it like rabbits or because it's just been far too warm for clothes. "A chilled day sounds amazing, as does breakfast but before all that, I'm hungry for something else..." I whispered as I began kissing down his body, already feeling his dick hardening against me.

A breathy groan escaped his lips as I continued kissing all over his torso and down his abs, my head slipping further under the sheets as I did so. Before I knew it, I was completely encased by the rather thin duvet and eye-level with the part of Chris' anatomy I was desperately craving. 

Running my hands down his solid shaft, my tongue swirled around his tip, already tasting the pre-cum that had gathered on top. His whole body tensed at the sudden impact but I continued to lick and suck his tip before dipping my head further down his dick. I could faintly hear groans and profanities escaping his mouth as I continued my attack on him, my aim being edging him to the brink of orgasm.

As my hands and mouth worked in unison with each other, I felt the duvet be pulled back as I glanced up to see Chris' eyes glancing back at me, his face painted with a look of pleasure. He laid back down as his fingers entangled themselves into my brunette locks, gripping onto two small tufts. 

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