Chapter Nineteen: Admissions and Crossed Wires...

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Chris' P.O.V

I woke up this morning to the smell of freshly made coffee and a sense of trepidation in my stomach. It's been around a week since myself and Chelsea resolved things and got our relationship back on track, but that also meant that it had been a whole seven days since I was dealt the ultimatum that I had to end my friendship with Shannon in order to save my relationship. Knowing that today was going to be the last time I ever see Shannon out of choice(I knew I would still see her at events) breaks my heart but if it means my relationship with Chelsea continues, then I have to be selfish. 

I feel a bit guilty leaving it a whole week to tell her, but I've had loads going on at the moment. Friday of last week was the day of my merch release and it went without a hitch. Items were being bought left, right and center and before I knew it, there was only a limited amount of stock left and ninety percent had already been purchased, which was really touching as it meant fans liked the new merch ideas and used their hard earned money to support me and my business. I really do have the best fans in the world.

Me and Shannon had arranged to meet at her flat, me suggesting the idea as it meant I'd be able to see Smudge also, probably for the final time. Chelsea offered to come with me, but I wasn't sure if it was for moral support or to rub Shannon's face in it so I decided against it. This is something I need to do by myself. I need to be the bigger person in this situation.

Dragging myself out of bed, I took a quick shower to freshen up before getting dressed. I settled for a pair of black No.10 joggers, my favourite Arsenal football shirt and I threw a black hoodie on over the top, feeling a slight chill in the air. Styling my hair very quickly, I headed into my open plan living/kitchen space where I saw Chelsea sat at the dining table, sipping on a coffee and eating some toast whilst scrolling mindlessly on her phone. Once she'd heard my feet padding into the room, she looked up at me, a small smile apparent on her face.

"Morning babe." She spoke, taking another bite from her toast. "There's some coffee left over in the pot for you." She informed me before looking back down at her phone.

"Thanks." I muttered quietly, grabbing a mug out of the cupboard. Pouring a small amount of coffee into it, I topped it up with some milk and a few spoonfuls of sugar. I wasn't usually a hot coffee drinker, but I wasn't prepared to fuss around with the added annoyance of making it into an iced one. 

The air was silent for a while, Chelsea remaining sat at the table whilst I stood near the kitchen island, one hand in my pocket and the other holding the mug. Despite us being ninety percent back on track, there was still that ten percent awkwardness between us which I knew would go away once I'd ended my friendship with Shannon...well, from Chelsea's perspective anyway.

"Is everything okay?" I heard her ask, obviously concerned that there was the aura of awkwardness between us. "You seem rather distant this morning..."

"I wonder why!" I snapped, instantly regretting the tone of voice I used in which to speak to her and I watched her facial expression turn to one of shock. "Look babe, I'm sorry..." I sighed, walking over to her and placing a kiss to her head. "I'm just stressing over this discussion with Shannon." 

She took my hand in hers, tilting my chin up so I was looking at her. "You know it's for the best, don't you?" She whispered, me failing to believe how this was for the best, but I wasn't prepared to argue with her. We'd done enough of that.

"Yeah, I know." I muttered, shrugging off the issue. "I'm going to go now as I just want to get it over with as soon as possible. Will you still be here when I get home?" I asked, knowing that seeing her face is what I'd need after today.

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