Written in stone, every rule every word.

Centuries old and unbending.

Stay in your place, better seen and not heard.

Well now that story is ending.

Hang in there, Erin, we're going to get you through this.

Baby, I know you can do it

Stay strong.

Cause I, I cannot start to crumble.

We'll help you through this, Erin. You're strong, and you're not alone in this journey.

So come on and try, try to shut me and cut me down!

You are my new best friend!

Whenever you feel like you can't do anything, just remember that when we are together, we can get through anything.

You are so brave.

I won't be silenced! You can't keep my quiet!

Erin, you're so strong. Thank you.

Shine brighter than a shooting star. Shine no matter where you are.

Won't tremble when you try it. All I know is I won't go speechless


My heart pounded. The people I care most about. I couldn't fail now. There are people who care for me. Love me.

Let the storm in! I cannot be broken, no I won't live unspoken, cause I know that I won't go speechless.

My name is Erin Storm. Proud daughter of late Rebecca Storm, who was a strong and independent woman who didn't want me to see her suffer the way she does.

I was chosen by Alpha Trion, an old sage on Cybertron, to guard an ancient relic.

My guardians and friends are the autobots and Jack, Raf and Miko.

Try to lock me in this cage, I won't just lay me down and die!

Jack has been my friend since we were seven. He was the only thing that held me and kept me going after my mother died.

I will take these broken wings, and watch me burn across the sky!

Hear the echo saying, I won't be silenced!

Though you wanna see me tremble when you try it.

All I know, is I won't go speechless


Cause I'll breathe! When they try to suffocate me!

Don't you underestimate me

Cause I know that I won't go speechless.

All I know is I won't go speechless.


My eyes shot open. I knew I had to continue to fight. To live another day.

My entire body was aching. But I slowly tried to stand up. My knees were shaking and my legs were wobbling, but I refused to be pushed back down.

Finally, I stood back up, tall and strong.

"What!? How are you still alive! You pests should stay dead!" I smirked.

With newfound determination, I continued fighting Megatron. I knew I couldn't give up, not now, not ever. I thought of my friends, Jack, Raf, and Miko, and how they believed in me. I thought of my mother, Rebecca Storm, and how she taught me to be strong and independent. And I thought of Alpha Trion, who chose me to guard the ancient relic.

Transformers Prime: Broken Heart, Broken Voice (#1)Where stories live. Discover now