Chapter 10

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I drifted in the vast, chilly expanse of nothingness, surrounded by darkness. It felt like an eternity of emptiness, punctuated only by the icy breath that fogged the void. Was this the sensation of death? Had I missed my chance? My mother's promise echoed in my mind, and tears welled in my eyes, yet there was a strange solace in the end of my suffering, the prospect of reuniting with her.

Then, unexpectedly, warmth enveloped me, like a comforting embrace in the midst of winter's chill. Intrigued, I followed its gentle glow, finding myself drawn towards a brilliant light, a hand reaching out to me. Could it be my mother's hand, offering passage to heaven? With eager anticipation, I reached out, only to be engulfed by swirling colors and disorienting sensations.

As consciousness gradually returned, I found myself immersed in a different kind of cold, a clinical chill reminiscent of air conditioning. Though my eyes remained closed, my other senses began to awaken, detecting sterile scents and distant murmurs. Familiar voices pierced through the haze, one impatient and frustrated, the other calm and reassuring, discussing my condition and fate. Dread washed over me as I recognized my father's voice, his impatience fueling my fear of being abandoned.

As awareness slowly seeped back into my consciousness, I felt a heaviness weighing down on my eyelids. With a struggle, I managed to pry them open, blinking against the harsh glare of fluorescent lights above. The sterile scent of antiseptic assaulted my senses, and the faint beeping of machines filled the room.

"Erin, can you hear me?" a gentle voice called out, breaking through the fog in my mind. I turned my head slightly to see Ms. Darby, my nurse, standing by my bedside, her expression one of cautious hope.

Weakly, I attempted to respond, but remembered I couldn't and just nodded.

Relief flooded Ms. Darby's features as she reached out to adjust my pillows. "You've been in a coma for two weeks, but you're finally awake. Do you remember what happened?"

Memories flooded back in fragments, the incident, the darkness, and the warmth. But alongside them, a sense of guilt gnawed at me, knowing that my father was likely furious with me.

Before I could dwell on it further, the door burst open, and my father stormed into the room, his expression a mix of anger and concern. "Erin, do you have any idea what you've put me through? Two weeks, lying here, unresponsive!"

I flinched at the sharpness in his voice, feeling a knot of guilt tighten in my chest. I signed the word 'sorry'

He cut me off with a frustrated gesture, pacing back and forth beside my bed. "Sorry isn't going to cut it, Erin. You've cost us so much, financially. I don't know if we can handle this anymore."

Ms. Darby stepped forward, her tone calm but firm. "Mr. Storm, Erin needs your support now more than ever. She's been through a traumatic experience, and she's going to need time to recover."

My father's jaw clenched as he glanced between us, his anger warring with concern. Finally, he let out a heavy sigh, running a hand through his hair. "Fine. But this is your last chance, Erin. Don't make me regret it."

As he stormed out of the room, leaving behind a tense silence, I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt.

"What a despicable man, showing more concern for medical bills than his own daughter's well-being. What kind of father behaves like that? But don't fret, Erin. You're going to be alright. We're here for you, and we'll take care of everything. However, if you feel up to it, I'd like to understand what happened to you. Jack mentioned you were kidnapped that night, and the next day, you were brought here with a bullet wound. Of course, you don't have to talk about it if you're not ready. I can only imagine how traumatic it must have been for you," Ms. Darby said, her voice filled with empathy and concern.

As I hesitated, my gaze drifted towards the window, memories of the terrifying ordeal flooding my mind. With a deep breath, I began to communicate in sign language, my hands trembling slightly as I recounted the chilling events.

Fingers moving with deliberate precision, I described the night when I was ambushed by a group of men, dragged into a van, and driven to a remote location. Tears welled in my eyes as I recalled the fear and helplessness I felt, the uncertainty of what fate awaited me.

My hands traced the motions of my narrow escape, the frantic struggle to break free from my captors' grasp, and the desperate sprint through the darkness. But just as freedom seemed within reach, I stumbled upon a clandestine operation, a sinister laboratory where human lives were treated as mere subjects for experimentation.

My hands faltered briefly as I recounted the moment I was discovered, the gunshot that pierced the silence of the night, and the searing pain that followed. Yet, despite the agony, there was a glimmer of defiance in my eyes, a determination to survive against all.

My hands faltered briefly as I recounted the moment I was discovered, the gunshot that pierced the silence of the night, and the searing pain that followed. Yet, despite the agony, there was a glimmer of defiance in my eyes, a determination to survive against all odds.

As I finished my recounting, silence enveloped the room, broken only by the faint hum of medical equipment. Ms. Darby's expression softened with understanding, her eyes reflecting admiration for my courage in the face of unimaginable adversity.

Ms Darby nodded.

"Thank you for sharing, Erin. I know how painful it is for you," she smiled gratefully.

I smiled back.

Wait. Something felt wrong.

I couldn't feel my leg.

My left leg...

What happened to my leg?

I looked up at the nurse, tears in my eyes.

As I lay there, grappling with the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside me, Ms. Darby approached with a gentle expression, her eyes filled with compassion. She sat down beside me, taking my hand in hers, and began to speak softly.

"Erin, there's something important I need to tell you," she started, her voice tender yet steady. "We had to amputate your left leg due to the infection from the bullet wound. It was a difficult decision, but it was necessary to save your life."

A heavy silence hung in the air as her words sank in, the reality of my situation hitting me like a tidal wave. I glanced down at the empty space where my leg should have been, feeling a sense of loss and disbelief wash over me.

Unable to find my voice, I could only stare at Ms. Darby, my eyes brimming with unspoken questions and emotions. She squeezed my hand reassuringly, offering silent support in the midst of my turmoil.

"We'll help you through this, Erin," she continued, her voice a soothing presence amidst the chaos of my thoughts. "You're strong, and you're not alone in this journey. We'll work together to adapt and overcome whatever challenges come our way."

Though I couldn't respond verbally, I nodded slowly, grateful for her unwavering kindness and understanding.

A/N: haha yes! I'm on a roll! Two chapters in one day, I really need to slow down.

Don't worry the story isn't gonna end somewhere here. I mean, she just found out about the autobots, I want her to spend some time with them. And maybe I will write chapters from a few tfp episodes like fron when they meet Smokescreen (spoiler alert)

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