Chapter 27

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No one knew what to say or do. Megatron's intentions were clear: he had found the location of our base and wanted to destroy us once and for all. The Autobots had been on high alert for weeks, but we never expected an attack of this magnitude.

Optimus Prime yelled out a thunderous roar and started firing at the Decepticons, who had emerged from the shadows like ghosts. The Autobots followed his lead, shooting back at the enemy with all their might. Jack and I remained behind them, trying to avoid getting caught in the crossfire, but we still peeked out to see what was happening.

The Decepticons were taken aback by the sudden counterattack, and many of them fell, including Megatron and Starscream. Optimus Prime ran forward, his blade high in the air, and struck Megatron's arm with a swift and precise blow. Megatron fell back, shocked and enraged, while Starscream rushed to his side to tend to his wound.

"Autobots, into the groundbridge, now!" Optimus Prime commanded, his voice echoing through the base. None of us hesitated, and Jack and I were the first to run into the portal. We had to inform the others about what had happened and what was about to happen.

As we emerged on the other side, we heard Megatron's menacing laughter. "Run, Optimus, run! But you can never again run home," he taunted. We knew we had to move fast; the Decepticons could attack at any moment.

Back at the base, we were greeted with relief and concern. "Oh, thank the AllSpark you're alive," Ratchet sighed, his voice filled with emotion. But we didn't have time to rest; we had to act fast.

"The cons found the location of our base," Arcee explained to the others. "We must evacuate immediately!" Optimus Prime commanded.

Just then, Agent Fowler's voice came through Ratchet's screen. "Prime, it's the cons! They've found us!" he warned. "I think you might already be too late, two-tonne," he added.

Agent Fowler's voice came through again. "Me and my boys will try to stall until you and the bots evacuate, Prime." But we knew we didn't have much time.

"Optimus, we don't have time for all of us to split up to different locations," Arcee said, knowing what the Prime was thinking.

"I agree with your opinion, Arcee. We will embark to a different locations, together," he said.

Ratchet keyed in a set of coordinates in the groundbridge control. As we stood in front of the glowing portal, our hearts raced with anticipation and fear. We knew that our lives were about to change forever. The Decepticons had found our base, and we had to act fast if we wanted to survive.

Optimus Prime's face set in determination. "Autobots, we stand at the precipice of our greatest challenge yet. We must act now to ensure our survival. We have faced countless battles, and we have emerged victorious every time. Let us stand tall, strong, and united once more. We will groundbridge to safety, together. We will rise again, stronger and more united than ever before. Autobots, roll out!"

With a final salute, we transformed and prepared to leave. Our human friends, Jack, Miko, and Raf, climbed into their respective Autobot guardians, ready to face whatever lay ahead. I watched as Optimus Prime, the last to follow, transformed into his truck mode and led the way into the portal.

As we drove through the groundbridge, our sensors on high alert for any signs of danger, I couldn't help but wonder what the future held. Would we find a new home, a place where we could live in peace? Or would we be forever on the run, fighting for our lives? Only time would tell.

The Autobot and Decepticon war had now reached a critical point. It was no longer just a battle between them; it had become a war that involved humanity. And we were caught in the middle, fighting for our very existence.

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