Chapter 119 : Plan that Backfired

Start from the beginning

"I notice every breath you take, Arya,"

They slept in each other's arms that night.

"Ouch," Satanika stumbles as he crushes into someone.


Satanika immediately goes to assist that person, "Devi, are you alright?"

"Yuvraj Satanika, have you lost your eyes?"

"Devasena? The cheat girl!" Satanika exclaims.

"Who cheated? I only remember a defeated, egoist Rajkumar," Devasena bites back.

"Oh please. So many woman only after a helpless man. You all cheated. Don't be so proud," Satanika mocks.

"We were after a bird that ran free," Devasena mocks.

"A bird you say. As majestic and gorgeous as en eagle wasn't he?" Satanika smirks.

Devasena surrounds him looking from up to bottom, "Well, I saw a crow that screamed for his life. Why, did you see someone else in the mirror?"

Satanika's mouth fall open, "You!"

"Yes, me. What do you want to say?" Devasena asks sweetly.

Satanika looks at her lost for words. He then storms off to his mother's chamber to complain. Devasena bursts into laughter from behind. He is too fun to tease.

Arjuna and Draupadi were discussing when Satanika came in whining.

"Maa, I am telling you. We can never have my brothers marry in Awanti. Women are too violent there," Satanika removes the documents from his mother's lap and takes it for himself.

"Why? Did anyone say anything?" Draupadi asks worried.

Satanika confesses his encounter with Devasena to his father and mother. Arjuna suddenly raises the scrolls so they can hide his face. Draupadi was in dilemma.

"Maa, you told Pitashree Nakula that he is the most handsome man in this era. And you are you,"

Arjun bursts into laughter, "You are you Panchali?"

"I mean Maa, you are so beautiful. How can the son of the handsome Nakula and NityaYuvani's  be called a crow? Maa, from which angle I look like a crow?" Satanika pouts.

"Wait a minute here. Panchali, when did you give Nakula this boon?" Arjuna asks all in a sudden.

Draupadi puts her finger on his lips shutting him down.

"Satanika, she is our guest. Don't be rude to her," Draupadi says.

Satanika pouts then shakes his head, "I will warn my younger brothers about women of Awanti, Maa. This is my duty as their elder brother."

Draupadi shakes her head as Satanika goes out the same way he came.

Draupadi turns around and immediately bursts into laughter. Arjuna is half laying on the bed a rose on his lips. He winks at her seductively. He extends his hand for Draupadi to take. Giggling Draupadi puts her hand in his. Arjuna pulls her underneath him.

"A rose for my rose," he puts the rose on her lips with his.

"Phalguni, what madness is this?" Draupadi couldn't stop laughing.

"You gave Nakula the boon to be the most handsome man in this era? Panchali, I am wounded. Though I am black but my heart isn't,"

Draupadi rolls in fits of laughter. Arjuna pouts putting his body weight on her.

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