28. Two feuding Alphas

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The music boomed across the backyard. Tables of food lined the perimeter as string lights were attached to wooden poles lining above our heads, lighting up the large area as the night sky twinkled with stars.
Some people sat or stood in groups of people talking, laughing. Some eating while others danced happily.
I stood against a table next to Andrew and his friends as my eyes found Zine. He stood with another group of women circling him. A large smile on his face as his eyes twinkle as he held a conversation with them. My stomach dropped.
"You look like you need this." A deep voice said beside me as he held out a glass cup filled halfway with some kind of brown liquid.
Internerally, I groaned as I looked over at Alpha Jax.
He grinned, pushing the crystal glass closer towards me.
"If I were you, I would definitely need it. It must be hard watching your mate choose another woman." His eyes glanced towards Zine, and I let mine follow along.
Next to his stood a tall brunette with a tight silver dress. She stood extremely close to him as she wrapped her long, skinny arm around his.
"If I remember correctly, I believe that's Tiffany, daughter to the Alpha of the High moon pack. They make a good pair, do they not?" Jax all but whispered in my air.
A tight pressure hit my chest, making it almost impossible to breathe.
Continuing to stare at the two, my mate finally looked my way. As his blue eyes locked on me, I quickly looked away. Jax was right. They did look like they would make a great pair.
Reaching my hand out, I quickly grabbed the glass. Closing my nose to the musky scent, I swallowed down the contents while ignoring the burning in my throat.
Alpha Jax chuckled beside me.


"Here, take this one." Alpha Jax grinned as he held out another glass with a clear liquid to me. I grabbed the glass immediately, dumping the liquid down. After four drinks, the smell or taste no longer phased me.
The hum of a song began, and my ears picked up on it as it began to blast through the speakers.
"I love this song!" I said loudly as my mind swirled.
Alpha Jax grinned, reaching his hand out towards me.
"Let's dance then." He spoke.
I began reaching my hand out towards his own.
"I don't think so." A deep voice said behind me. The feeling of his presence behind me almost made me moan.
I turned to look at my mate as he stood directly behind me. His eyes glared at Jax.
When did he get there? Also, when did he get so damn tall?

Zines pov;

I watched as he handed another glass towards her. She quickly snatched it and tossed it back.

My jaw tightened as my body tensed. How fucking many was that now?

He needs to die. My wolf stated close to the surface, desperately trying to claw out.

You need to stop her soon.  People are starting to watch William mind linked me as he stood over by one of the blasting speakers. A glass in his own hand.

Looking around I realized he was right. People kept stealing glances towards the two. My hand balled into fists.
I turned towards the women engulfing me in a large circle.
"If you will excuse me." I gave a smile before quickly making my way out.

As I began to walk up to the two a new song began. Arias body stares to swat back and forth in a perfect rhythm to it.

"I love this song!" She all but shouted. The sound of her voice making it clear how drunk she truly was. Pissing me off even more.

"Let's dance then." Jax said as he held his hands out to her as I finally neared them. I stood behind her. Her back almost completely against my chest showing me truly how small she was to me.

Jax looked at me, his eyes narrowing as I glared down at him thinking of the million ways, I could rip out his spine and shove it down his throat.

"I don't think so." I growled to Jax. My mate turned slightly, her head tilting to look up towards me.

A puzzled look on her face.

"When did you get there?" She questioned. 

I quickly gripped her forearm tightly not being able to control the ball of anger inside me as I tried leading her away.

"Ow, Zine, you're hurting me!" She whined before planting her feet into the ground roughly yanking her arm from me.

I quickly turned back towards her.

"Aria, let's go. Now." I ordered, my jaw beginning to tick. He glared at me shaking her head slightly. 

"I'm not going anywhere with you." I pinched the bridge of my nose for a moment trying to push down the ball of flames that kept growing before turning back towards her.

"I'm not going to repeat myself. Let's go, now." I growled, my wolf desperately fighting to come out.

Jax came over to us, his arm wrapping around her shoulder, I watched as her body tensed turning to stone at the action. 

"Dude, haven't you listened to the lady? She doesn't want to go with you so why don't you turn around and leave." He smirked.

In an instance I closed the distance between us, we stood chest to chest and since he was still shorter, I found myself glaring down upon him. In the action his arm had slipped off Aria.

"I'm only going to say this once for your own good, so listen well. I suggest you keep your hands off her if you don't want me tearing them off your body. Then, if I were you, I would turn the fuck around and leave." I snarled as my hands balled into fists at my side threatening to rip him into shreds at any given second. 

"Woah, woah. What's going on here, guys?" Liam said as he came over, standing close to Jax, and ready to break up a fight if needed.
Nobody said anything for a moment as Jax and I continued to glare at each other. I spoke first trying to settle my anger once again.
"Nothing is going on. We were just having a disagreement about who gets to share a dance with your lovely daughter first." I smiled towards him. I turned my head towards Aria. She stood still. All color drained from her fast as she watched us.
"Isn't that right?" I asked her. She immediately perked up turning towards her father.
"He's right. We were just figuring out who were gonna dance first."
Liam stayed silent for a moment. He glanced over towards his daughter.
"Are you sure there's nothing to worry about?"
She gave her dad a smile.
"I'm sure daddy. Just a little disagreement." 

Liam clapped his hands together once smiling between all of us.

"Alright then. Aria, go ahead and quickly pick someone to dance with so we can keep this party going." He spoke. Aria was silent for a moment.

"I'll dance with you Alpha Zine." She said silently not looking in my eyes. I couldn't help the smirk that planted itself on my face as I looked at Jax, his own eyes glaring back.

I held out my hand and she slowly took it. The sparks that erupted made my body shudder as I walked her over to the circle of dancing people. Her hands wrapped themselves around my neck as I let my hands wrap around her curvy waist. My wolf once again sending explicit images into my mind.

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