16. I waited for you

16 0 0

His scent wrapped around me as I made my way down the steps.
Almost immediately, as I caught a glimpse of everyone, his own eyes met my mind, causing another lump in my throat as my stomach began to flutter.
I looked away as I made my way to my father's side.
"Ah, there she is." He gleamed.
"Darling, please get some drinks for our guests. They had a long drive."
"Yes, father." I responded. Not looking, I turned and began my way to the kitchen, feeling his stare the whole way.
With a shaking hand, I gripped the pitcher of water and began to fill the numerous glasses that littered the counter.
Calm down. I told myself. Relax before people start to notice. Taking a deep breathe I tried to steady my shaking. But,it didn't do much as his scent continued to attack me senses.
He was here. He was really here. In my pack, in my packhouse. He was where I had lost myself. And that alone scared me the most.
"Aria." I jumped around, startled.
"I'm sorry." I managed to gasp out as I placed a hand over my chest, trying once again to soothe my uneven heartbeat.
"Beta William. What can I do for you?"
I watched as he leaned towards a full glass as he grasped it in his large hand. His blonde locks fell forward as he did.
"I have a message for you from Alpha Zine."


In complete darkness, I sat on my bed. Feeling uneasy and nervous, I pulled up my black sweatpants before beginning to fumble with my overly large sweatshirt.
Alpha Zine wishes to meet you tonight. After everyone goes down for the night, stay awake in your room, and Alpha Zine will find you.

His words echoed over and over in my mind as my stomach began to flutter once again.
So, after helping Xavier show everyone to their guest rooms, I quickly wandered back to my own.
Looking out the glass window, I stared at the half moon. It once again tauting me.
A light knock on the door snapped my head towards it. Already with his scent, he fully wrapped around me once again.
As quietly as I possibly could, I stood and made my way over to my door.
Grasping the cool metal, I took a large inhale. He was seeing me in my room. One that I held since I was 16 and had my first change. The thought both scared me as well as it made my stomach flutter.
Twisting the knob I opened the  door, exposing the blackness of the hallway, signaling that the pack was down for the night. The moonlight managed to run its length down the doorframe, lighting him up. I couldn't help it as I stared at his blue eyes that seemed to glow.
He took a step forward, causing me to snap out of my trance as I moved to the side, allowing him to fully enter the only safe space I knew.
Hesitantly, I slowly closed the door, not wanting to make any sides and alert the pack.
I watched as he scanned around my room, taking everything in before walking over to a black dressed place on the right side of the window. His large hand picked up the wooden picture frame it held as he studied the photo.
The picture was taken just a few days after my first change at the age of 16. I stood outside in the summer grass barefoot, wearing a purple summer dress that flowed to my knees. My hair swiped to one side with tan skin. I had one arm wrapped around Vinces waist and the other wrapped around Andrew. A giant smile spread across my face. It seemed so long ago.
Placing the photo back down, he turned towards me. His blue eyes once again caught mine, and the feeling of all the air escaping me was almost too overwhelming.
          "I had to see you." His deep voice finally spoke, sending a wave of soothing vibrations through me.
          He took a couple of steps towards me, and for once in a long time, I didn't move away even as he stared down upon me.
          "I know I shouldn't be here right now, in here. But I just had to see you. My wolf has been driving me mad. I see you everywhere." I found myself leaning towards his soothing voice.
          "Me too. I've been seeing you everywhere." I managed to speak out.
          Letting out a deep breath I didn't realize he was holding, he began to run his fingers through his long locks.
           "I don't know what's going to happen between us, Aria. But I know my wolf goes crazy without seeing you. We really have two options, you come to my pack or we reject each other."  Although for a very long time I always thought that if I did by chance find a mate that I would reject them, it didn't help the feeling like I was being punched in the chest as the words left his mouth.
           "I'll be here for the next three days, but then I must return home. So, a decision must be made by then." Looking away from my eyes, he once again glanced around the room.
           "I must go before somebody finds us." It would take him a few steps before he reached my door. Twisting the knob he opened it.
           He turned once again and looked me in my eyes.
            "Goodnight, Aria." Then he was gone.
           I walked over and silently closed the door before going back to my bed and slipping under the covers. Grabbing a pillow, I shoved it over my face. I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry. I didn't know what I wanted anymore.

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