2. Meeting ceremony

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I ran down the pack stairway, jumping over the last 3 steps. Wolves in their human form beginning to stir awake and litter the large house, as others began the process of preparing food for everyone. As quickly as I could, I rushed past stepping around to not hit anyone.
Giving light smiles and waves as many people said good morning.
Rushing out the front door, I took a deep breath of the morning air, the sun just beginning to rise as the grass had morning dew.
Into the distance, I spotted the brown hair of my father as he talked to pack warriors. Running over, I felt my long ponytail sway behind me. Running up, I caught a good look at my father. His medium length brown hair, brown eyes with golden flecks, tan with wrinkles beginning to emerge across his face. Next to him stood his beta. A man just as large as my father. With tan skin, medium blonde hair, and light green eyes that saw everything. To his left stood my father's gamma, also know as head warrior or 3rd in command. His short black hair with piercing blue eyes.
" Good morning, princess." Dad said as I finally made my way up to him.
"Morning, dad." I smiled. As I always do.
"Good morning, Aria." My fathers beta Xavier said as he smiled at me lightly. I nodded my head towards him and my father's gamma.
"Good morning, Xavier. Good morning, Drake." Drake turned to me, a large rumble of a laugh escaping his chest.
" Liam,  I'm afraid your princess is no longer a princess. It's a woman standing in her place." Gamma Drake said while nudging my father. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the stare of Xavier. My stomach began to twist in knots.
A large smile spread across my father's lips.
"I'm afraid you're right. She looks more like her mother every day."
The knot began to loosen.
I felt as my father lightly placed his hand on the back of my shoulder. The feeling is both pleasant and not at the same time. I pushed away the thoughts, starting to claw in the back of my mind.
"Speaking of, Aria. Let's go in that run." He turned towards the two, giving them a nod before walking me towards the forest tree line.
Silence engulfed the area with nothing but the sweet smell of the trees and the twigs snapping underneath our feet.
My father made a deep rumble in his chest as if trying to clear his throat. I looked up at him as we continued to wander.
"You know Aria, you are 18 now. A time when most wolves have already found their mate." He said, looking down upon my tiny frame.
"So I guess we aren't going on that run?" I found myself saying sarcastically to try and avoid the topic.
He stopped and stood in front of me.
"Aria, I'm being serious. Listen, there is a mate ceremony being held at the Red Mountains pack tomorrow. I was considering having the pack go, but I'm telling you this because I want you to actually give this a shot."
I felt my stomach begin to tie in knots as he eyed me down. He was right. I was 18, and most wolves found their mates at 16 during the time they had their first transition. I was happy as the years went by and I didn't find mine. Beyond happy. But I knew that as an Alphas daughters, it also showed weakness in our bloodline, and my father was beginning to worry.
"I'll do it." I found the words making their way out of my throat. A large smile automatically spreads across his face.
"Good, that makes me happy." Anything to make you happy, I thought as my hand found its way to my upset stomach. Anything to make the pack happy. That was my role.


"I'm so excited, I can't wait!" My younger brother Andrew loudly proclaimed in my ear. He was just barely turning 16 and would soon not only have his first change but also the chance at meeting his mate. It's all he's ever talked about since he was 10. I used to be the same way.
I shoved him off me, not wanting him to damage the large white strapless dress that clung to my body.
"Can you please keep your body to yourself?" I huffed as I began to smooth down the ruffles he had made.
"You're the one taking up most of the backseat!" He shot back.
"Will you both shut it? This is already hard enough without you guys acting like children." My big brother Vince stated from the passenger seat next to my father. I was almost shocked that both him and my father could fit together in the front. At just the age of 21, Vince already had the scent and body of a fully grown alpha. But he was missing something, his mate. Soon, his reign on our pack would begin, and without a Luna to accompany his side, it would show a weakness to other packs. My brother wasn't one to show emotions, but if I let my wall falter for just a moment deep in his mind, I could sense the stress he was in.
"I'm not the one acting like a child! Arias dress is taking up the whole backseat!" Andrew huffed. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the fact that he always did act like a child. But I knew deep down that all he wanted to do was grow and be alongside Vince and my father. I wanted anything but that for him.
"As she should, you very own mother worn that dress to her mating ceremony where we met. Be careful with that dress, it's very precious." My father stated as he continued driving with his eyes not once leaving the road.
At the mention of my mother the car fell silent and I couldn't help but imagine her long hair cascading down the back of the dress, her curls mingling with the endless laces, the dress showing off the womanly curves she had. How beautiful she must have looked. I was anything but, and as I thought about how happy and excited my mother was about her mating ceremony, all I could think about was wanting to crawl in a ball and disappear.

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