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After the news report about Monica's sudden death, Justin went home feeling down. He sat on his bed looking down at the flash drive in his hand that she gave him. He started thinking to himself if it was just a coincidence or could Director Stone really be the man in the shadows.

Justin plugged the flash drive into his laptop although he was worried about what he would find.  The flash drive was filled with files on his father and all the projects he worked on at H.T.I., most of which was centered on ways to cure incurable diseases. Most of the files were encrypted like Monica said they were. Justin used his knowledge of coding to begin decrypting the files.

“This is gonna take a while.” said Justin a couple minutes later when he realized the decrypting progress was just at 1 percent. To his surprise, his doorbell rang.

“Hey cuz.” said Chloe after Justin opened his front door and saw her alongside Max and Kade.

“Hey, what are you guys doing here?” asked Justin as they let themselves in.

“The better question is what are you doing here on a Saturday?” Kade countered.

“I’m not following.” Justin spoke, confused.

“He means you should be out having fun.” Max elaborated.

“Yeah, I still think we should all go to the beach.” Kade insisted.

“Kade, you're not hell bent on us going to the beach just so you can see me and Amethyst in swimsuits are you?” Chloe asked him with a raised eyebrow.

“What,…of ... of course not.”  Kade responded shakily.

Chloe scoffed in disbelief to Kade’s response.

“Damn!, she’s on to me.” Kade said to himself quietly as he turned around.

“He knows we can still hear him right?” Chloe asked.

“At this point I doubt he knows anything at all.” Max replied nonchalantly.

“Well it is hot out today so maybe the beach isn’t a bad idea after all.” Chloe voiced.

“Sorry guys, but I can’t.” Justin declined.

“Why? you have other plans?” Max inquired.

“Yeah, I do.” Justin replied.

“Amethyst is gonna be there.” Chloe reminded him in an attempt to get him to agree .

“Oh I forgot to tell you, I ran into her this morning, she said she won’t be able to make it today cause the planning and event committee needs her help to prepare for the winter dance.” Max relayed to them.

Justin told them all about what happened yesterday after he left them after school, from meeting up with Miles Drake to Monica giving him the flash drive, which was probably the reason behind her unfortunate death, or murder more than likely.

“So let me get this straight, you think Mr. Stone, Amethyst’s father, is the guy in the shadows?” Kade asked in disbelief.

“Yeah, I mean I’m starting to believe.” Justin answered honestly.

“We are talking about the same guy who is creating super villains, tried to kill your mom, kidnapped you to harvest your energy for whatever nefarious plan he has?”  Max further inquired to be sure.

“I know it's hard to believe, I don’t even want to believe it myself either.” Justin replied.

“Plus, Monica said just talking to me was dangerous and she also warned me not to trust him and he overheard it and now she ends up dead? she just dies suspiciously? I just don’t think it’s a coincidence.” Justin began explaining the reasons for his claims. 

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