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"Wake up sleepy head, you're going to be late for your first day at a new school," said Sarah as she was helping her son get ready.

"Mom, do I really have to go to school at all, my life isn't going to be any different. Everyone there knows who my father is, I'm just going to remind them of his mistakes. I wish I didn't have come back here." Justin replied, his frustration seeping out.

"Look, I know it's going to be....difficult to say the least but you're still going to school, even if I have to drag you out of bed myself." said Sarah

Justin sighed disappointedly.

"Now Justin!" Sarah began, her tone getting serious.

"Alright, alright." Justin cut her off as he reluctantly got dressed.

"Today's definitely going to be a terrible first day" Justin sighed to himself.

After Justin finished his breakfast, he quickly went through the door which was in his best interest or else he would suffer the wrath of his mother.

On his way out he bumped into a man, not looking where he was going.

"Oh... my bad, sorry." said Justin as he proceeded to step past the man.
"not really." he whispered as soon as he was out of ear shot.
Justin was not very friendly, must be the result of having zero friends.

"Don't worry about it, try not to get hurt on your way to school." said the stranger with a weird look on his face.

"Ahh... sure." answered Justin not in the mood to start a conversation.
"weirdo." spat Justin under his breath.

As Justin was walking away, the stranger spoke into his comms in his ear.

"Boss, I have eyes on the target"

"Excellent, don't loose him" someone replied.

While Justin was growing up, his mother was always worried about people going after him for reasons regarding his father. So she would train him to be more aware of his surroundings, to be able to detect if someone was following him. So Justin made sure to check his surroundings at all times.

Justin walked past a woman sitting at a bench with a stroller, then he passed a homeless man rummaging through a dumpster and another man sitting on a bench reading a newspaper... or so it seemed.

All three of them were staring at him while he was walking past them and of course the stranger he bumped into a couple minutes ago was walking a few feet behind. The stranger was trying not to make it obvious that he was following him. Yet Justin felt something seemed weird about the four of them.

"Something isn't right." Justin thought to himself.
"I need get out of here." he decided as he started running as fast as he could.

"Damn it, how did he notice?!" the stranger grumbled.

"What the hell is going on out there?" the boss asked through the comms in his ear.

"The target is on the move sir, somehow he noticed us." the stranger replied.

"WHAT!" the boss exclaimed.

"See to it that he doesn't escape, we need him. I'll be there in fifteen minutes." The boss shouted frustratedly.

"Understood sir." said the stranger as he rushed after Justin.

"You heard the boss, we can't let him escape." He spat out to the others.

About fifteen minutes later, Justin found a secluded spot and hid there. He was hoping they'd give up the chase. Not too long after he found the spot, Justin started to hear voices.

CHOSEN (BOOK 1- A HERO IS BORN) Where stories live. Discover now