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"How is he?" Director Stone asked Kate who was in charge of the medical unit.

"He's still unconscious, he's unresponsive and there no brain activity, I'm sorry Sir but there's no telling what that energy did to him, he might even be stuck like this." Kate replied.

Director Stone started to panic immensely but he tried to keep it hidden.

Meanwhile in med bay... Justin was recuperating.

"Ugh,...where am I?" asked Justin as he started to gather his senses.

Suddenly, Justin saw those humanoid forms again but there was more of them this time and he still couldn't see their faces. The one in the middle walked towards him and he felt the need to speak.

"I'm dead aren't I?" Justin asked them his voice dry.

"No, you're too important to die now." The person replied.

"Qui electus, qui electus, qui electus." They all started chanting again as the one in front of him placed a hand on his chest and gave him a strong push. Justin suddenly found his body being thrown backwards towards a white light.

"WAIT!" Justin groaned loudly waking up med bay. Just like before, his irises and pupils disappeared in both eyes and they were glowing bright white. He sent out a power serge through out the facility which caused a power outage for a bit, it even knocked out the back up generators.

"Oh no, Justin!" Director Stone exclaimed as he ran in the direction of the power serge.

Director Stone panicked because he realized the same machines that were keeping him alive had just lost power. Yet the power came back as Justin's eyes stopped glowing and returned to normal.

"Justin,... you're awake." Director Stone said as he saw Justin getting out of bed.

"Yeah, what happened?" Justin asked with a confused look on his face.

Director Stone started to fill Justin in on what happened since he seemed to have some gaps in his memory because of the accident.

"Sorry about that." Justin said after hearing what Director Stone had to say.

"I remember hearing the cube, almost like it was calling out to me." Justin continued as they were walking towards the room where the accident occurred.

"Wow!" Justin exclaimed as he saw the damages the room sustained not to mention the giant hole in the ceiling where the energy shot through.

"How did we all survive that?" asked Justin in disbelief.

"You almost didn't, I still don't understand how you're standing." Director Stone answered still in shock.

"Director, now that Justin's awake, Kate should run some more test on him to see if everything is in order." said Mr. Jones walking towards them.

"Actually I feel fine." Justin tried to assure them.

"You came into contact with energy from the cube, there's no telling how you were affected, I don't blame you though for thinking that... since you're not as smart as me." Mr. Jones replied in a mocking tone to provoke him, which seemed it would become the norm between them.

"I'm a lot smarter than you think I am, probably as smart as you." replied Justin.

"Do you know how to run those tests,?" asked Justin

"Oh please, that's like asking me if I know what's two plus two when it's obviously four." Mr. Jones started boasting.

"Wow, I'm impressed." Justin replied in mock surprise.

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