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"Mom, you here?, why's the door wide open?" Justin called as he got home.

After getting no replies, Justin started to realize that something was wrong. After a bit of scanning, he saw that there were signs of a struggle around him. He naturally started to assume the worst as it was unlike his mother to go somewhere without telling him.

"Oh no." Justin thought to himself as he started to panic, he realized what exactly had taken place in his absence.


"How you feeling soldier?" asked Director Stone.

"I'm good sir" Kate answered.
" I just have a concussion." Mr. Jones added.

"I suggest you take it easy for a while." Director Stone suggested as he analyzed them.

"That's okay Director, I really am fine, but when I see that brat again I'm gonna...." Mr. Jones started angrily before he was cut off.

" Jones all that was an accident, he still can't fully control his powers,....plus, he has a huge temper and it seems his powers reacted to that." said Director Stone in Justin's defense.

"I need your help!!" Justin exclaimed as he barged in with a panicked expression painted on his face.

"Speak of the devil, you have some nerve coming back here after you refused to help us." Mr. Jones spat, still a bit angry at the boy.

"Shut it Jones, I don't have time for your crap right now." Justin spat back.

"Say what, did you forget what you did, were you trying to kill me or something?" asked Mr. Jones completely shaken by Justin's behavior.

"Oh quit your complaining and grow up, you seem fine to me." Justin replied with no remorse.

"Enough you two, I'm serious,......honestly Justin, you're terrible at controlling your temper.... you're just like your mother. Anyways, what's the matter?" asked Director Stone already over the back and forth bickering.

"I'm not sure but I think someone kidnapped my mom." Justin spoke up trying not breakdown.

"What?!, Sarah?" Director Stone asked and shouted at the same time.

All of a sudden someone popped up on the main monitor in front of them, which caused them to forget their conversation. Dr. Stone realized that the A.D. A system must have been hacked. The person on the monitor was Rick Brody.

"What the hell?" Director Stone whispered to himself in confusion.

"It seems our system is hacked, somehow I can't gain access to our monitor's controls." Kate voiced as she kept tapping away at a hologram.

"Director Jayce Stone, I know you are in possession of the cube. Hand it over,... or this woman's blood will be on your hands." Rick spoke getting straight to the point as he brought Sarah in front of the camera.

"Mom!" Justin exclaimed in fear as he started to rushed to get as close as he could to the monitor.

"That bastard!, he's taken her as a hostage." Director Stone spoke in anger.

"I'll send you my location. You have until the end of the day to make your decision, and come alone, if you try anything funny...I'll snap her neck like a twig." Rick Instructed as he ended his speech and cut the feed.

"How does he even know about the cube much less that we have it?" asked Kate.

"I don't know but he does." Director Stone replied.

"Justin?, where are you going?" asked Director Stone as he watched the youngster make a beeline for the containment units.

"I'm going to get the cube, obviously" Justin replied.

CHOSEN (BOOK 1- A HERO IS BORN) Where stories live. Discover now