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"I want a lawyer!" Justin demanded as soon as Captain Sting closed the door behind him as he walked into the interrogation room.

"Does that mean you admit to being guilty of all charges?" Captain Sting asked.

"No... It means I'm not saying a damn thing without my lawyer." Justin replied in annoyance.

"If you honestly think someone's going to want to defend you of all people, your seriously deluded young man." Captain Sting retorted.

Justin stayed quiet, he was starting to realize he probably wouldn't get a fair trial. Even if its his right to treated as innocent until proven guilt, but since he and his father were basically being accused of mass murder in the 7/15 incident, its like his rights were stripped away; just like when he was a kid. So at this point in life he was used to the injustice.

"Why are you doing this, you've apparently had a personal grudge with me since I was a kid,... why?" Justin asked in frustration.

"I lost my wife in the 7/15 massacre, my daughters lost their mother; and all the evidence leads us to believe that you, along with your parents had something to do with it. Not to mention that we have several eye witnesses that can place a three year old you emerging from the same crater as that monster after it disappeared, so you'll get no sympathy from me." The man explained, with venom in his voice.

"Didn't we already settle this when I was a kid; I was proven innocent, remember?!" Justin asked, in an attempt to jog his memory.

"That was just because there wasn't enough substantial evidence to incriminate you... until now that is; this kinda looks like you don't you think?" Captain Sting answered as he put a tablet on the table playing the footage of last night's brawl with Brody.

Justin's heart stopped for a brief second when he saw the video but then he slowly started to regain his composure.

"Are you serious right now? This is your evidence against me?!,

I can't believe you're wasting my time with this." Justin spat, raising his voice in disapproval.

"You can deny it all you want but if I can see the resemblance the other people will too, face it....your life is over." Captain Sting fired back, ignoring Justin's outburst completely.

"This interrogation is over." Someone said as they came barging into the interrogation room.

""Ahh, you must be his lawyer." Captain Sting spoke in an unhappy tone.

"Well its about ti..... oh you've got to be kidding me" Justin said as he realized that the person who walked in was Mr. Jones.

"My client will not be answering anymore questions." Mr. Jones informed Captain Sting firmly as he walked in with a full black suit and a briefcase.

"I changed my mind, I no longer want a lawyer." Justin quickly pleaded making a quick one eighty on his earlier statement.

"Huh?" Captain Sting muttered in a bit of confusion.

"Heh, heh,... he's kidding of course." Mr. Jones said while laughing as he slapped Justin at the back of his head.

"Riiiight!" Captain Sting replied as he walked through the door to give the two a few brief moments.

"So what are you doing, not that I'm not happy to see you... well i'm not exactly happy to see you either." Justin muttered having mixed feelings about Jones being present.

"You little brat, I came here on my day off to bail your ungrateful ass out of jail, so I suggest you show some respect and gratitude." Mr. Jones explained most irritated with Justin.

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