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Mile's Pov.

I'm on my way now to the Hospital cause Bible called me and said he brought Linn there together with Apo, but they needed to go back cause Apo is acting strange.

When I arrive at the hospital I saw Bible entering his car and drove away. I ignore it and went inside and ask in the reception area.

"Hello. Can I ask where is the room of Linn, Linn Suvalmas?" I ask the nurse then he check his computer.

"Ms. Linn's room is at the second floor room 024. " He said. I thank him then proceed on going to her room.

After a while I arrive at her room. I heard her talking to the doctor. His face lightens up when she saw me.

"Mile, I'm glad you're finally here." She spread her arms so I went for it and hug her tight.

"I'm happy to know that you're ok and please next time don't just go out and always inform me if you're in trouble ok?" I strock her head as she nod.

"By the way Mile doc has a good news to us and since you're already here let us both hear it from him." She looks so excited and cute at the same time.

"Well as I was telling you earlier all your test result says that you're ok but you're lack of nutrients and you need to gain more weight after all your body is isn't yours alone anymore." The doctor said. As he continue to speak my eyes widens when the realization hits.

" Wait doc are you telling us that... "I didn't get to finish my question when the doctor cut me off and said...

" Yes, Mr. Mile you're wife is pregnant for three weeks now. Congratulations so if you'll excuse me. " He went out of the room.

"Mile aren't you happy?" She ask me.

"I'm happy, so happy but I can't help but to blame myself cause this is happening to you." She hug me and so do I.

"Look Mile I want this and I won't regret being pregnant with your child." She smile at me but I can't bring myself to do it too.

Apo's Pov.

It is evening now and I just woke up maybe because I was to burn out and maybe because  I didn't get much sleep last night.

I went out my room to check my siblings . I open up their room doors and saw them asleep already . 

"Did they eat before going to sleep?" I thought to myself as I went down the stairs . Mile and Linn are still not home and I hope Linn is doing ok.

While I was at the kitchen looking for something to eat I heard  beep for a car out side the house so I went out and check on them. When I open up the gate Mile's car enters the house garage.

I didn't went back inside but instead I waited for get to get out of the car. Linn is now lifted by Mile in a bridal style cause she was still asleep. 

-Fast Forward-

Since I can't sleep at all I decided to sit outside the house near the pool area and  while reading some of my siblings school books.

" Why are you still up aren't tired at all?" Why is he here

" I'm fine and I just woke up when you guys came home." I don't want to be rude so I answer him.

" So we are talking now." he comment and I just hissed at him.

"By the way thank you for helping Linn." I look at him and ask if he is saying thank you because Linn told him to or he really just wanted to say thank you to me.

"No actually Bible is the one who told me about you and  you're the one who insisted to brought Linn at the hospital." I look at him and I saw sincerity in his eyes.

"The truth is you don't need to thank me about this kind of small things. Linn is a very kind person so what is for me to  hate to her? the answer is none." I confidently said.

"By the way how is she?  Is she ok?" I ask but Mile just gave me a small and a bitter smile.

"The truth is Linn and I are having a baby." And just because of what he say, I feel like I was slapped by the truth.

I look at him but I just saw a face pull of sadness and disappointment. Is he not happy about him being a father?

"Mile you can tell me what is running to your mind .We're friends aren't we?" at first he was hesitant to tell me but eventually he still told me.

" The truth I don't want to have a child." What does he mean about not wanting to have a child?

"Are you out of your mind what if Linn heard you saying that?" Linn will surely get hurt if he hear what is Mile thinking of.

"No its not that I don't want or like a child  of my own . Its just that Linn has a really fragile body and having a baby is no, no for her but this happen and I'm  scared of the possibilities that if ever she choose to have the baby there is a 97% that her body will not recover anymore or worst she can die. I'm scared of losing her. I lose her once and I can't do that anymore.

" You really love Linn but Mile did you ask her if she doesn't want it too? Every girls dream is to become a mom and Linn is lucky to experience that and I think that she is ready to become one . What you should be concern about now is that how will you make her be comfortable and be safe through out the process but you also need to prepare yourself to something that might happen. I'm not saying this to scare you but I want say this cause I want you to be prepared ." Now I know why Mile is over protective to Linn. I now also believe that my  those dark threads around her means something not good. I don't know exactly what it means but its not a good sign at all and it will just give you a negative aura.

" But don't worry I will help you with all my might that's how much I love you. I'm willing to take all the  bullet and get hurt just to see happy ." I said to him he just look at me with those eyes.

"I always got your back."


Hello readers here is another update for you. Enjoy reading and Love you all always.💚💛

Always stay tuned cause we are still at the beginning it might be messy now but I will do my best to make it better. I hope you all understand.💕

Do you think Linn is a good or a bad character?

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