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Apo's Pov.

Time flies and it's been a month since Mile came here by an accident and he is now already well and good and at the same time my love for him deepen but I can't bring myself to confess after hearing him calling and saying a girl's name which is I think is his partner.

The red string of  love that appeared in our fingers the other day still bothers me why did that string appeared cause if I'm not mistaken that string will only pop if you're destined to be together for the rest of your life, but Mile already have his forever so how.

When he first came here I already saw a faint red string on his finger but it kinda fades that I think his soulmate is far away but after that shock, that faint red string became bright and connected suddenly to mine.

It was new to me cause I will just see the string if the person that is meant to be together already have seen each other or have their paths cross with their partners for life. Mile already have one that connected to others so I was really surprised and confused cause it suddenly connected to mine like how will that happen when he alredy meet his soulmate and connected to each other.

I'm scared of the possibility that maybe my power is now messing with me and it was cause by my own feelings.

"Maybe I should stop." I said.

"Stop what Po?" it was Mile he was now behind me.

"Oh your here." I just said cause I don't know what to answer to his question.

"Po I'm asking. I can clearly tell that you are over thinking things, you know you can share your problems with me after all we are friends." he said and put his hands around my shoulders.

"It was really nothing Mile I was just thinking about stopping fishing and seek help from uncle to help me find a proper work that the big island after all fishing ia not enough for the four of us." It was true that I want to go at the big island to find a more suitable job.

" Hey I'm sorry Po cause of me your money ain't enough anymore for the three of you. " he look down.

The truth is Mile wants to give us all his money that he has but I don't want him to do that cause that was his hard earn money or maybe it was my pride that I don't want other to look down on me so I do everything to look I'm good.

" Hey Mile, I told you already it was okay and it was not a big deal. You offer me money but I didn't want it cause you are our guest and it was always enough but it was better to have more right?" I ask him. He looks at me so I smile at him and he grin and tsk.

Mile's Pov.

After that night were Apo and I felt a shock he became caution around me. He even sometime doesn't notice me near him when he is talking to himself.

Apo is even quieter now and it kinda make me sad cause he use to be bubbly and really energetic of a person I sometime even see him as my little brother.

One more thing that bothers me is like there is something in my pinky finger that keeps tingling but I can see anything so I just give it a rest and keep my self busy by learning new things that I never experience when I was a child.

I learn how to fish using a stick and I even get to play games with Ta and Code, I run free without pretending. I became a free man wherein there are no camare and reporters who are monitoring my every move in every single day and time.

I became me again after a very long time that I didn't realise how time flies, this kind of life style is better than the city life, but I know one day I will get back to my real world.

Fast forward...

It was night time and the kids are already asleep while me and Apo are here at the dining table drinking coffee.

"Is there anything that bothers you Po?" I ask him, even though I know what will be his answer but it also bothers me to see him being this distant like did I do something wrong to offend him?

He looks at me and shook his head, but I don't feel satisfied to his answer." Po I know we just known each other for a month now but I know you are hiding something from me." I said and cupped his face for him to look in to my eyes.

After doing that I saw a tear falling from his eyes."I'm sorry Mile is just that I've been overthinking every thing that is happening to me right now." he started to cry.

"Mile I'm scared to this feeling I'm having now." he continue pointing at his chest.

"Po are you sick? Do you need to see a doctor?" I worriedly ask him

He just laugh while crying and said. "You are really a naive man Mr. Phakphum, and please stay that way towards me cause I'm scared of you knowing what I really meant to say." he stand up and wipe his teara away.

"Hey Po we are not done talking yet and what do you mean about me being naive come on tell me." I call for him but he just told me to give it a rest and fo to sleep.

Apo's Pov.

He is really naive. Giving him hints about my feelings is nonsense cause he doesn't understand them or maybe he just don't want to understand because his heart is already beating for someone else and it will never be me even cause the string is still unclear for me to see what it was about.

"I can be that person you love?"


Hello reader here is another update. I hope you like it, enjoy reading don't forget to vote and share my story/ies to your BL fan friends. Feel free to leave a comment love you all 💕.

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