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Mile's Pov.

"Having a time for yourself is really good." I said.

I'm currently on a yacht, sipping wine and admiring the view it was really nice being away from stressed and problems. Hi by the why I'm Mile Romsaithong a billionaire and I have a business called Querencia Aurora.

I'm having a good time when suddenly the clouds above turns gray, lightning began to strike and waves became strong and that causes my yacht to flip but before that happens I got to jump to the water but my body began to stiffened and the last thing I knew is I was slowly sinking.

Someone's Pov.

"Hey do you think his still alive ?" kid number 1 ask.

"Yeah, he is still alive just look at him breathing idiot." kid number 2 comment with matching eye roll

"Hey kids can you please stop arguing and just play outside and this Mr. here needs to rest." a tall, young, dark and handsome guy said.

"Ok P'Apo." his siblings respond and both of them run outside.

This guy has been asleep for two days now. I saw him lifeless near the beach area so I get near him to check and to my surprise he is still alive so it's a good sign. After checking his pulse I decided to bring him with me in our house. I change his clothes and while doing that I saw that his phone and wallet still in tack inside his pants pocket.

I open his wallet and saw lots of cards and I.D that are somehow still in good condition and he also have lots of money but all of it are wet.

"So your name is Mile." I talk to him even though he is still asleep.

Oh by the way I'm Apo Nattawin me and my two siblings live in a deserted Island where in just a few people including us lives.

I was busy preparing our lunch when I heard a sound in our room. I think Mile is up. So I quickly went upstairs to check on him.

"Argh..." he hissed in pain while standing up so I went to him.

"Hey you don't need to stand up you still need to rest more." I said and help him sit up.

"Who are you?" he ask me and both his thick eyebrow collide.

"Oh well you're welcome and I'm Apo." I said

"I'm sorry for being rude but can I ask what happen and where am I?" he said then look around.

"Well I don't really and exactly know what happened to you but I saw you near the shore lifeless so I went near you and check if you're still alive or not but thank G coz you are and you are here in our island." I explain.

"Oh my now I remember I was out on my own and a strong wave hit my yacht that coz me to drown and swept away here. Thank you for saving me." he thank me finally well he isn't a bad guy after all and he is handsome.

"By the way did you see my phone?" he ask.

"Yes but the thing is there is no signal in here we still need to ride a boat to get to a near by island where malls and hotels our available." I also saw his phone but I don't know how to use it cause I grow up knowing nothing to things only privilege people can afford and I don't have my parents anymore so I focus on working just to provide with my siblings needs.

" And Mile sorry if I open your wallet but don't worry I didn't pick our any amount out there. My only intention is to know who you are and where you live." I hung my head down coz I don't want to look in his eyes because I'm scared to be misunderstood.

"Hey don't be scared I don't see you as a threat and a bad guy after all you save my life and money is not a problem." he said and smile.

"Apo can I ask you a favor?" favor why kind of favor?

"Ahm sure... I think" I was a bit hesitant coz if it is about money I can't help him with that but he said money is not a problem and he have lots of it.

"Can I stay here for a while till I fully recover?" he ask me.

"Oh yes you can but let me remind you island life is not easy but don't worry me and my siblings will help you out through out your stay so Welcome to our quite but lovely island." I said then reach out my hand for a shake.

"Thank you" he laugh and bit then shake my hand.

"But for now please stay there I'll bring you food so you have energy." I said then went back to our small kitchen.

Mile's Pov.

After Apo went out I settled my self in the bed it's not soft like my usual bed in the city but it is ok it has a thin foam so it won't hurt your back when you lay on it.

It has a solar fan and lights but other than that electricity is not available but somehow it was comfortable and the air coming from the open window is really refreshing and it makes my body relax.

"This is much better than having so much problem in the city because of work." I said and thinking about staying for a little longer after my recovery.

I know it wasn't right after all my parents might be worried. I wanted to call them but my phone is dead and the signal here is poor. And most of all what will Linn think about when he know I went missing?

" Linn I'm sorry but I really needed this, please don't be mad at me I promise when I get back you're the first person I'll visit love." I said I miss her so much.

Meanwhile outside the door there is Apo listening.

Hearing him say that brings pain in my heart but I don't understand why...


Hello readers first update of this story. I hope you like it just like how you like my other sorrys. I love you all enjoy reading💚💛

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