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Apo's Pov.

It's been a week since the kiss happen both me and Mile is having a great time although he is still confused about his feelings I can say that he is working on it.

I'm currently on my work when all of a sudden Uncle went near me.

"Aye Po did you know a very rich family will arrive here at the Island?" he ask me.

"No, Uncle it was my first time to hear about it actually. Why did you ask?" it was the first time I heard it.

"There are rumors that they are looking for someone or a family member that has been missing for a month now." Are they a family of Mile?

"Are you saying that it maybe Mile that they're looking for?" I ask but Uncle just shrugged his shoulder..

"I'm not sure Po but Mile is the only person that has been missing that also stayed with us, but it can also be not him." he said then pat my shoulders.

After aayibg that he went back to his placr and continue his work. The whole day I been thinking about it. I'm happy that he is finally going to meet and reunite with his family again but I can't help but to be selfish and keep him with me. After all be are just starting and he was still cofused about his feelings for me.


After a long day at work Uncle and I decided to go back to the island where we live cause one of the boat will bring us home. The store where we are working provides a mechanical boat for us to use as a transportation that is also why I need to wake up early in the morning.

After a while we finally arrive at the island. It was already dawn. While I was walking home I suddenly felt a presence following me, and its giving me chills after all there are only few people here and it someone will kill me they might even not see or hear it and worst they might nit be able to see even a piece of me.

I started to walk fast, so was the guy next to me so I decided to run but before I cam even do that someone pulled me and hug me from behind. It was a familiar smell.

"Aye! Mile don't scare me." It was him that keeps following me.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you after all you keep on walking fast like a person in a horror movie." he said laughing but he was still hugging me.

"Hey Po say something, look I'm sorry ok I won't do that again." he said then he put his forehead onto mine.

"I'm not mad Mile it's just that I was still in shock. I thought someone will do something bad to me without seeing my siblings and YOU even for the last time." I said then hug him tight and he did the same.

"Po as long as I'm here no one will ever hurt you cause anyone that dares to, will face the consequences." when he said that the conversation of me and Uncle awhile ago at work came flashing back. So tight hold his hands and look into his eyes.

"I want to tell you something but I can't so please don't be mad at me I want to be selfish for once." I thought to myself.

"Come on now Po your brothers are waiting for you specially Ta who keeps on saying he is hungry." he said the laugh.

It should be fine lying for once if I can get to be with this person even though are time is short.

Mile's Pov.

Apo and I are currently laying in bed while his siblings slept on the neighbours house cause their friend's parent are at the big island for work.

"Tomorrow is your rest day right?" I ask him then he answers me with a nod. He is currently pacing back so I hug him from behind then he held my hand.

"Did you know that you smell go?" I said. Po is not the type of person to use anything that has a good smell on it like perfume but I been addicted to his natural body scent/odor. (PS. If you know, you know  *wink)

"Ahmm." he moan when I sniff his neck.

"Baby you like it?" I ask in between of nibbling his ears. But instead of answering with words he keep on moaning.

"Po stop me now or you'll regret it later." I said then continue sucking his neck. He looks at me then kiss me passionately.

"I'm willing to surrender my self to you Mile." those words gives me more strength to continue what we are doing.

While we are kissing I switch are places so I'm now between his legs and he is laying down. I remove my shirt and his shirt then I continue kissing and and sucking his neck.

"Ah, hmm m-Mile, ah-ah." he keeps on moaning.

"Yes baby moan my name." my name is like music to my ears every time he say it specially now.

I stop doing what I was doing and look at him. Apo looks at me confuse and it was a very cute side and he might not notice but his lips our in a pout right now so I gave is a peck.

" Why did you stop? Did you find my body disg-" but before he finish his words I kiss him again and the rest of its history...

Morning came and Apo is still sleeping beautifully in my arms.

After a fews rounds last night both me and Apo took a bath together, and of course we did it there too. I'm so happy right now cause I am his first in everything, the kiss and the you know the first person who he made love with.

"Hmm.." he groan.

"Morning Po." I greet him and kiss him on his lips.

"Hey Mile don't kiss me I didn't brush my teeth yet. He said covering his mouth.

" I don't care. "then I playfully tickle him and kiss hime around his face.

" Mile stop the kida might see us. "he said laughing. So I stop then we look at each other.

" I'm happy right now Po. So happy at I might gonna die happily. You know about my feelings but pleaae bare with me just a little bit me Po and I'll give you and answer. "I said he smiled at me and nod like a little kid.

I already know that I like you Po but I want to say it when I'm certain that I love you and not just like.

Hello readers here is an update I hope you like it. Starting next week I'll be uploading new chapters. every Friday hope you understand. Anyways enjoy reading.

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