chapter 11

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Modoru and Kasumi traversed through the corridor. They took down monsters that dared to get in the way. Modoru with his sword, bottles of holy water and consecrated daggers.

Kasumi with her katana and her talismans which she sometimes infuses with her sword.

The corridor was elegantly designed, yet it also has an air of eeriness in the air. Candles and torches were on the walls.

Suddenly, they stopped on their tracks as they saw a bunch of fleamen. Modoru was heavily annoyed by this as he and Kasumi charged. Fleamen, aside from Medusa Heads are every single Vampire Hunter's worst nightmare.

Everytime Kasumi was close to being hurt, Modoru always jumped in the way to take the hit. He was quite protective of her, ever since they first met years ago.

He doesn't seem to mind, for he is someone who can tolerate pain quite easily and seems to get excited in combat the more he gets hurt, for he uses it as something to gather physical strength from.

They saved their progress and healed in a room with a statue of the roman emperor and saint, Constantine the Great, refilling their HP and MP. They prayed for a bit and continued to advance through the corridor.

But then when they reached a certain room, a giant bat was flying on the air.

It screeched at them and swooped down as it began spewing fireballs from its mouth at the duo. Modoru grabbed Kasumi by the wrist as he dashed away from it, dragging her along.

The bat snarled and unleashed thirteen smaller bats in a spreading manner towards them, Kasumi and Modoru attacked the ones that got too close with their weapons and dodged.

Modoru immediately doubled jumped and struck the bat five times with his sword before grabbing onto its wing, it growled and shook him off before swooping down at him.

Kasumi lunged at it from behind and tried to stab it but it was quick to react and slammed its wing right onto her, sending her crashing onto a wall. Modoru took the chance to slice off one of its wings, much to its anger and pain as it tried to snap its mouth shut at his head. Which he rolled away from.

It turned its head at him, growling and spewed seven fireballs at him, he dodged them all as Kasumi charged at it and threw a talisman at it, which caused it to move in a very slow speed as she dealt the finishing blow to it with her katana, causing the giant abomination of a bat to burst into flames.

"She turned her head towards Modoru. "Are you alright, Modoru?" she asks, concerned. Modoru got up on his knees, panting as he did a thumbs up. "Yep, yep. I'm fine, Kasumi."

They advanced onto the next room, only to notice a pale bald man with nobleman's clothes glancing around, seemingly irritated. He looked at Modoru.

"Well, well. What has Dracula gotten himself onto?" he said in a snarky attitude with a mocking grin.

Modoru stepped back a bit. "You must be Olrox..."

"Oh?" Olrox said, his grin vanished a bit. "I suppose the rumors are true, you did in fact lose your memories... Oh well, anyway. We are in the same situation. I have controlled this castle for a time after you left but I too, have lost control of the castle right now for some reason. It is that reaper's fault!", Olrox gritted his teeth and he said this with a hint of annoyance "So its best if we work together, shall we?"

The young man bit his lip and held Kasumi's hand. "And why would you think I'd agree to that, bald head?"

That statement seems to offend Olrox, who tried to keep his cool, but his expression turned grim as soon as he said that. "Whatever, its like you'll be of any use anyway. Good luck on reclaiming the throne before I do though~" 

With that, Olrox disappeared by turning into mist as he laughed maniacally. Modoru, irritated tried to chase after him but Kasumi grabbed his hand.

"LET ME GO, KASUMI!!" he growled. Modoru is the type of person to be offended quite easily, which is why he always gets into fights at school when his bullies are around. So Kasumi always has to take responsibility in taking him to the clinic or healing him with the power of her talismans.

"Modoru, I know how you feel but its not worth it!" she told him, trying to calm him down. Modoru gritted his teeth. "Fine... If we find him again though, I'm gonna break his face..."

"Modoru, just listen to Kasumi and calm down." a voice said. It sounded calm, but with an air of mysteriousness. 

A young man with dark hair entered the room...

Both of the duo looked at him in surprise. He was a classmate of them. He was quite introverted but he had the potential to be a detective but also the potential to become a soldier. And he can deduce things without even relying on solid evidence. "Yamaju?!" both of them said in unison, both with the tone of surprise.

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