Chapter 10

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Modoru had successfully destroyed multiple planets in the solar system after reviving Chaos, the other source Dracula relied on for his power from the dead.

He managed to truly transcend into something beyond humanity...

He even absorbed black holes...

He is back to full power... Now only three steps are recquired to reset this world.

Kill thousands of humans (at least 100 innocents must be killed to be completed), kill Oliver Belmont, suck his blood and absorb the Vampire Killer.

Modoru had killed multiple criminals all over the globe. He mostly murdered them by either ripping their heads off, slitting their throats with his sword, emotionally manipulating them and etc. However whenever he killed innocents, he tried to make their deaths as painless as possible, like infecting them with a type of painless poison that would take at least one week for it to kill them so they could at least spend the last of their days more peacefully. 

He didn't want to kill them. But he had no choice. The world must be reset to rid it off criminals. With such godlike power, he would be able to reincarnate people, he would use it on the innocents he murdered, but he will let those who don't deserve it to burn in hell itself.

After succeeding with that... He finally decided to target Oliver. But for this to happen. He needs to get his powers erased momentarily and his memories altered.

"W-Why is that?" Death asked, in surprise as they walked down a hallway. Modoru smirked and said,

"I need to gain Oliver Belmont's trust. If I do get enough trust I can betray him with ease. Remove my powers except my immense strength and speed. And I'm going to keep my sword. I'm just gonna say I'm a vampire hunter all along without being too nervous about it." 

The Grim Reaper stopped hovering forward for a bit. A few moments of silence passed before he spoke again. "Very well, I have faith in you, Modoru."

With that, Modoru was able to go befriend Oliver with his memories about being the Dark Lord gone, and he told him that he was a vampire hunter. They would get dispatched to do missions together in the organization Oliver is from, which Modoru joined too.


Modoru decided to put his plan aside for a while, for he needs to focus on his studies too. He just recently turned 16.

Kasumi and him had been the top of the class now.

Modoru stared at his ballpen on his hand. Occasionally spinning it with his fingers, until the teacher called him.

"Modoru. Can you tell me who believed in the divine right of kings and became king of Sweden by only the age of 14?"

The young man stood up. "It is Charles XII, Sir. Also known as Carolus Rex."

The teacher smiled slightly, History was one of the subjects Modoru loves the most. He seems to love learning about it, especially if its warfare. "Very good, Modoru. Take your seat."

"So what subject are you good at the most, Oliver?" Modoru asked.

Oliver looked at him as he perked up. "I guess its History. I love learning about our world's past, hehe."

"Guess we are the same."

The next week

"Who's this boss you guys are taking me to anyway???" Modoru asked as he walked with Kasumi and Oliver up the stairs (the elevator was literally broken).

"Well uhh, he's kinda... Well, serious man he is. But don't worry you'll be fine." Oliver said with a shrug as they finally reached the top floor. The trio were equally exhausted... And also annoyed.

They walked up to a door and knocked on it. The knob twisted as the door swung open, revealing a pale man with long black hair and a black suit.

"Ah, Arikardo. Here's Modoru like you asked for." Kasumi said to the man.

The man named Arikardo examined Modoru. "I see. You truly are Dracula reborn. I am Genya Arikardo. The leader of this organization."

Modoru looked at the man and grinned shyly. He was not very sociable around others. "Uhhh ummm... Hello, Arikardo. So uh, why are we called here???"

The man gestured for them to follow. They entered his office. There was a desk made of wood, an open window on the right, a shelf full of books, mostly related to history, mythology or spellbooks. There was a small couch near the desk to the left.

"Take a seat, you three." Arikardo commanded them. They did as they told. "We have recently heard that Count Olrox, is on the lose again and seized control of a rebuilt ruins of an old site where Dracula's Castle rose on somewhere after a bunch of cultists revived him, but his life since then did not last long for after a week he was killed by a mysterious ronin. He is currently commanding an army of creatures of the night."

The three stayed silent, before Kasumi spoke up. "Arikardo? Where is the castle located?"

Arikardo stood up from his desk. "Follow me, you three. Two other people should aid you."

They soon arrived in front of the castle on Arikardo's car. They got off the car as Modoru glanced around.

"The four of us will split up into two groups. We will meet up, especially with the other two people who will be helping us here on the confession room of the cathedral. Oliver, come with me. Kasumi, come with Modoru. Understood?" he instructed the trio. Modoru, Oliver and Kasumi nodded.

Soon, they split up. Modoru sticked with Kasumi, and Arikardo with Oliver... But the question is... Will Modoru remember his true goal???

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