Chapter 9

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Oliver gazed through the binoculars as he and Kasumi watched a bunch of vampires opening some kind of portal in an abandoned workshop. 

"Where does that even lead to?" Kasumi asked as the vampires began jumping in.

Oliver shook his head, lowering the binoculars and unzipping his sling bag, he placed the binoculars inside before zipping it shut.

"No idea, but let's take them down already before they can do something."

They followed after the vampires to the portal by stealth... Their surroundings turned less modern. Their surroundings was now just a village.

"What on-" Oliver lanced around, tightening his grip on the Vampire Killer as they heard explosions. 

Battle cries can be heard everywhere, and much to their surprise... Samurai with katana are charging at a bunch of vampires, and Dracula's Castle is visible up ahead.

Oliver glanced around as he saw the vampires they were tracking sneaking behind a bunch of barrels. "Kasumi, go after them. I'll chase after the leader."

Their leader, a pale man with an oni mask and a black robe was climbing a roof of a house.

"Alright! Good luck, Oliver." Kasumi replied as she dashed and rolled behind a bush to go stealth and chase after the soldiers.

The city was in absolute chaos right now, the villagers are being left defenseless and left at the mercy of the monsters and vampires from this era attacking them. The samurai were outnumbered.

Oliver sighed and gripped the Vampire Killer. He can't just stand there and let innocents die... He must do something about it, even though this unknown part of history won't be changed.

Throughout the generations, the Belmonts have fiercely wielded the Vampire Killer, fending off evil and defending the world from it, especially from threats like Dracula...

But every Belmont will not last long forever... But does that mean they die?

No. A mere bullet is nothing, it does not mark the death of a man. It merely marks the end of their time on earth. But as long as the legacy is passed down... For all generations to witness...

Then it shall live on... Especially through Oliver Belmont himself.

He swung the whip at a werewolf, piercing it through the chest as it howled and bursts into flames. A cavalry of vampire soldiers charged straight at him riding on horses with white eyes.

Oliver ignited the Vampire Killer in blue flames and jumped up before whipping at them. The vampire soldiers screamed in agony, their horses grunted violently. All of them bursted into flames.

The young vampire hunter dashed through the burning village, saving as many villagers as he can, especially families.

He can feel two strange presences getting nearer and nearer...

Soon he reached the entrance of the castle... A ronin, a young man no younger than 15 was coughing blood...

And in front of him... A tall man... Who was towering over him despite being on his knees, grasping his chest in pain. It was... Dracula.

Oliver's eyes widened. A mere ronin... Having been able to defeat Dracula himself.

A girl about his age was holding onto the young man from behind. She was heavily injured... Her kimono was stained with so much blood and she was shivering.

Dracula tried to get up but he immediately held up his katana and charged onto him before stabbing his chest.

"MIYOKO, RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he screamed, instead, the girl named Miyoko tried to run to him but then, an explosion happened, sending both her, and Oliver crashing away backwards and then...

When Oliver got up, he found himself surrounded by a bunch of Skeleton Gunners with advanced guns, and a floating skeleton wearing a robe hovered on the air. It was Death...

"Oliver Belmont. My lord knew that you would enter the portal..." he said as he grasped his scythe.

"Death..." Oliver said backing away. 

"You see... Belmont. This, false god that Dracula relies on to use the Power of Dominance placed an orb on where you are when you went towards that area with Dracula in it in an attempt to lure you in a trap to absorb your soul. But you didn't notice because my lord already grabbed. Those vampires a while ago, were just people trying to collect all the orbs for themselves, and he decided to manipulate them, like puppets to end up doing his bidding. Now with all three of Chaos' orbs in his possession. The world is close to being reset." Death explained confidently to the young vampire hunter. "Dracula shall be back to full power."

Oliver's eyes widened in shock at this information. This was totally unexpected.


Suddenly, a portal opened beneath Oliver, he fell down it. It was a long fall, and before he knew it... he fell underwater... He tried to swim up, but he sank too deep when he landed...

After a bit... He blacked out.

Oliver survived the fall, Kasumi suffered the same situation but managed to avoid drowning and passing out. She managed to take him to the hospital on time.

Modoru sat on his throne as his eyes flashed red. His lips curled into a grin... He was close to resetting this world, truly...

CastleVania: Intermezzo of AgonyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant