chapter 3

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"D-Death? C-Come on, now man is this a p-prank? B-Because y-you sure are good at scaring." Modoru said chuckling nervously... But this figure doesn't seem to be human... Something about his presence alone feels intimidating...

The figure stood still and shook his head before suddenly, he grabbed Modoru by the face in swift motion.

He sees  multiple visions, he was a tall pale man with a nobleman's clothes, he wore a long black cloak. He saw a woman dying of illness, a woman getting burned om stake, multiple seperate visions of him fighting young warriors using a consecrated whip.

In one of the visions of it, he was fighting one along with a blonde haired woman wearing blue and white robes, a pirate with a red bandana and a pale man with blonde hair and a sword.

The visions stopped, he collapsed onto his knees, gasping for breath... None of those visions didn't make any sense...

"What the hell are those?..." Modoru asked groaning, he was on his knees. The hooded figure crouched down.

"Dracula. My former Master. That's who you are." Death said, he turned around and walked away.

Modoru was shocked... He did not know how to take this info in... He was Dracula reborn...

"Come with me by tomorrow, I will be paying you a visit tomorrow. Make sure you are prepared." Death said, with that he disappeared out of thin air.

The next day...

Modoru stepped out of his apartment, he had nothing but a dagger and a baseball bat. He plays baseball in his school, he is not that good, but Kasumi and his family supports him wholeheartedly.

He just sighed and chucked the bat back onto his bed in his bedroom, it probably would get chomped by a monster he runs into, so a dagger may work better.

He grabbed a salt shaker since Death told him to bring salt to coat whatever weapon he has with it and waited outside, with his arms crossed.  portal opened and the Grim Reaper emerged from  it.

"Our first destination  is Leichnam Forest, you see when your cycle of incarnating as Dracula again stopped and you incarnated as Soma Cruz, he was transported to Dracula's Castle in the solar eclipse, and destroyed Chaos, the Dark Lord's source of power. Its parts split, and to get your powers back you must gather its three orbs and reform it." Death said as he turned to leave. "Good luck..."

With that, he vanished  in thin air. Modoru sighed as he walked down the path in the forest

Rotting corpses are completely hanging from trees, some of them being skeletons. He grabbed out the salt shaker from his pocket and placed them onto the blade of his dagger and coating it with it.

Most of the trees in this area were completely withered, there are dried bloodstains on their woods. Broken shards of weapone like axes, swords, shields, spears and javelins are scattered around.

Modoru followed the map Death gave him and walked, he doesn't even know why he's doing this now... Maybe because he wants to get stronger? Stronger to protect those who can't defend themselves and punish those who deserve it?

He stopped in his tracks and looked up, a bunch of zombies are walking around mindlessly. He gripped his knife, knowing how fighting zombies in movies go, he charged.

Modoru groaned as he followed the map, suffering from multiple zombie bites, soon he reached a save area, a statue of Saint Dominic De Guzman. He got himself healed and prayed before advancing forward.

Soon, he reached a clearing... It was dead silent. No sounds can be heard. But then what happened next shook him.

The ground shook and the trees began grew limbs and began running to him.

The next thing he knew, he was running away from the horde of them.

He found a small cave and hid in it. The treants, having no time to react rammed into the hillside all together and fell over, crumbling, pieces of wood flew everywhere outside.

He got out and soon, he ran into another  clearing... But then, the ground began to shake, a towering figure emerged from the shadows.

A gigantic headless knight, its blue head was being held by it on its hand, the other holding a rapier.

Its severed head grinned. The headless knight's head began floating on the air as it began spewing black fireballs.

He ran, rolled dashed and jumped around to avoid the fireballs, he dashed over to its body and began climbing it.

Dullahan's head grunted and tried to shake him off, it began spewing at Modoru, he jumped back down in reflex, and the creature grunted as it hurt itself.

He smirked and ran off. "Over here!!!" He called to it.

He began running over to the nearby trees.

Dullahan' severed head roared in anger, presuming this as cowardice.

Mindlessly, it charged at him. Modoru dashed out of the way immediately.

Due to this, Dullahan's main body crashed onto the trees, hard enough for a bunch of the trees to snap and fall down on him.

Its head furiously spewed more projectiles at Modoru, he ran over to its main body as he dodged them, all of them hurting it instead.

It wasn't long until the head screamed in pain and turned into ashes as the armor exploded, pieces of metal went flying everywhere.

Modoru continued to walk down the path and soon, he ran into a reb orb floating on a tree stump. He picked it up.

"Well done." Death's voice came in. He turned behind him and saw the hooded skeleton hovering on the air.

"How should I absorb this thing?" Modoru asked.

There was a moment of silence... Before Death spoke.

"Devour it."


Modoru's eyes widened in shock. HE WAS GONNA EAT IT?!

"How the hell should I-"

Death took the orb from his hand and forced it down onto his mouth, Modoru gasped for breath as it went down his throat.

"Tastes like spinach soup." Modoru said gaaping for breath.

Death stayed silent for a bit before speaking. "You have partially regained your powers now. This is your first step onto becoming the Dark Lord, surpass the limits of an ordinary human you have done."

Modoru bit his lip, before launching himself onto the air with a jump, then successfully, he managed to jump again... WHILE ON AIR.

Modoru then landed back and crouched before jumping again, then jumping higher on the air again...

"Things... Just feel so wonderful right now..." he said as he began hovering on the air...

He stretched his arms wide... He began to hover on the air.

"Throughout the storms of injustice and the creatures that lurk in the night... I alone am the The Rightful Judge..."

A/N: I hope ya'll get the reference. See ya'll

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