Chapter 3- Swami gets a job.

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While the both Swami and Anand moving to the hostal Anand describes about the hostal. "There are 200 rooms average In the hostel."; "What's the name of the hostal?" Swami asked casually.

" ' Hostal for the Bachelor's ' was the name."

And they reached the hostal.


They entered into the hostal at the counter , the manager of the hostal was sat there.

"Hey! Anand, who is the guy with you?" Said the Manager.

"He is Swami, my friend, who is going to live with me, forever."

"Ok, then fine, I have decided to bring a new option to all."

"What's that?"

"That is the monthly rent option paying."

"Thank god! This is gonna be a money changed." Anand prayed. The reason is that Anand pays his rent everyday,  that is two hundred per day and night. That's high but in monthly payment, he has two benefits, the first one is he doesn't need to pay rent all the day, once in the month is enough for him. The second reason is The rent amount will be reduced a lot bit or even more.

"What's the monthly rent."

"For you. Four thousand."

"Ohy god! I will give it tommorow."

"Tommorow never comes." The manager made a joke. Not so good I believe.

"On April 16."

"Then Ok, you may go, here is your key."

Then the both went into their room.


They entered into room number 105. Anand opens the door. Then he said.

"Welcome to Room number 105. My living place. Even yours!"

Swami entered into the room and they just sat on the floor. There is not even one sofa! But also Swami never cares about this. After some time Suddenly Swami arised .

"Anand, is this things all are owned by management."

"No, no, no. This is mine. I bought this all. They give me just a empty room."

"What? How it is possible."

"No man is staying here, for traveling purpose. They all stayed for Living purpose. No married man was even not allowed. They just give a empty room."

"We can rather say in a rented house."

"They make more conditions like, ten months rent as advance. No alcohol, no party, no friends, and..... No, no,no. That's it. That's it." He said with some panic.

"Don't think that I follow celibacy. I wish to f### a woman."

Swami rocked, Anand shocked, yes! Really, Anand shocked.

"Hey man! Do you have like that wishes?"

"I am just a human."

" But you are a monk who lived in Kasi."

"Yes, but also I am so tired of following this celibacy. In the status they make videos which says, 'follow celibacy, increase testesterone ' see me I have never saw any girl's face at direct and not even ... So, do you see any six pack in my body? I am leaving celibacy!" Said Swami in the joy.

"Ok, then... I remember to tell about NFT and stock market."

"Yeah, Yeah. What is that?"

Anand explained to Swami about NFT that the popular big companies get the amount from the investor, investor are those who give their money to the company. If the company gets profit they give the investor the profits. If it gets loses. Investor  too get loses.

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