Chapter 1- The two Bastards.

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Swami was an young monk who was living in the holy cities of Hindus which is called as Kasi, peoples who were from all around the world were coming to the holy deity called Maheshwar  and praying for mind satisfaction, peace and well-being life.

Swami was a disciple to the great guru called guru govind. Swami must obey whatever guru govind says, guru govind was not harsh at him but anothers because he Is a god gifted child to him.

Swami was a orphan and Guru govind was the person, who found Swami in the foots of Mahadev. He thought to himself that this was the child that God gave to him and he should give him a self respect to him at all the time. So, he named the child Swami. Swami means “the god”. So, every time Guru govind calls Swami as God, which is true from his heart and pure from his heart.

Swami asks to Guru “Guru, I have a quest on a thing”

Guru was not suprised and asked Swami “say what you want? ”

“Guru,Guru... I want to known about the meaning of life”.

“I can't understand what you were saying, say it clearly, detailly and especially boldly! ”.

“For what is the reason for living a life like a monk, good for nothing?  Why this man's where ready to take the life of their loved ones  for just a piece of paper? Why some of the man was locked themself into the  *lust* and crying to getting out there? But the truth is it is nature. Why the man were locked into the un meaningful  relationships?, He wishes to have a family even he wishes to be a orphan? Why the man running 24/7  and earning the piece of paper and spending it for useless reasons which gives him no peace , and Guru I want to say lastly once, but you may get anger.”

The Guru was calmly noticing what all questions does Swami said and he opened his mouth.

"Say it, I will never get angry on you."

“I asked once, why we pray at the stone and I said that there is no god and you said that 'at above he may be, watching us ' . You said me and all to follow a virtue called 'celibacy' and I ask you, why we should follow celibacy and even a mother is a women and the godess Parvati is a women. Do you we not see them? Touch them? The reproduction, pregnancy and the birth is the main part of the life. Why should we so controlled on ourself without benefits? Did the god say is to follow this all things? I should live this life with freedom. To do anything I want.“ This seems evil but it is not. It is his justice.

This time Guru Govind become anger ” Shut your mouth and carry my dhanda, you are worth only to that thing.!“

This time Swami got anger and just done his works and he murmured to himself  ”Did I worth to this and his scolding?  I know the knowledge! and and I know the philosophy of this Hindu religion!then what to me? I have a plan to leave from here and the god will give the chance!  I believe.“

”hey, Swami ! come fast, what are you think about?“

”Nothing, Guru“

Then he carried the dhanda going along with his guru govind.


Meanwhile, From Barrackpore , a man named Anand visited Kasi for just two reasons, first for generating  his Horoscope by which he can know something about his own future. The second reason is he need to take a video for his travel blog.

He had been searching for a monk or guru or disciple  , who could say about the Kasi clearly according to technology but none of them co—operated him because they were religious and they won't show off and they were old who does not know about the modern mode of language and technology.

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