27. Warmth

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A Week Later,

"Oh My God! I told you I can Walk!!"

"Shut up, and lean on me."

The two chaotic mess is again onto their sibling rivalry. I wonder if somehow the system up their in the realm of Gods messed up and they got different moms. Or else, I can't explain the little silly fights they go into now and then.

Right now Yoongi is helping Kwan to get inside the Apartment and sit on the couch. We've come back to Seoul. And we three, that's Yoongi, Namjoon and Me, dismissed any charge that could lead Kwan to go through any type of legal procedures again.

After a long time of hapazards, we're free. Even the song, is being loved by everyone so much. 'Stay Alive'.... I love this song too. So much!

Most Importantly, these two are free to even go into quarrels.

"YN, drag your boyfriend away from me, he's being clingy as hell." Kwan snorts at Yoongi.

Before I could say anything,
"Ohh? Now I'm clingy huh? Tell me how you're gonna help yourself with the limping leg ??? When you're sick, I'm the One You're Gonna HAVE to listen to!"

Kwan sighs a long one and leans his head on the back on the sofa. I giggle at their childish act and proceed to the kitchen.

Yn: Any of you gentlemen wanna grab a drink? I'm making myself one.

Kwan: I can use a Juice.

Yoongi: You're getting nothing until you learn to listen to me.

Their voices fade to a lower tone as I enter the kitchen. I take two mango from the freezer and start peeling it off. A perfect mango lassi is what's gonna recharge me.

I put the small cut peices in the mixture when my peripheral vision sees Yoongi entering.

Yn: Hey, you want someth— waoh!

He suddenly wraps himself around me, and pretty lazily leaves his body weight on me. I kinda bent forwards on the counter, not being able to have the balance. But he keeps me stable with his tight grip anyways.

Yoongi: whatchu making?

His muffled voice comes from my shoulder where he rested his forhead. Even though it tickles a bit, I keep working on the juice.

Yn: Mango Lassi. I once had this in Japan, and it tastes so good! Just wait for the good thing.

I chuckle talking about the gem I'm making and he joins me.

Yoongi: I'm so tired, Yniee!!

He says looking up at my hands working on the mixture. I turn off the machine in a hurry and turn to face him when he loosens his grip on my waiste.

Yn: Why? You okay??

I touch his face but I don't catch on any hightend temperature. My frown talks in a worry again,

Yn: What happened??

He was looking at me with a sheepish smile. And two tired eyes, that I just noticed. I run my thumb over his cheeks in an attempt to provide some comfort while I pout.

Yoongi: I think all the catch and run made me worn out a little bit. I think I can use a vacation. I hope they don't drop the Bon Voyage project.

He rests his forhead on mine, talking low, in his deep voice. A small current runs down my spine seeing him upclose like this again.

I wrap my hands around his neck and pull him closer, wanting to be in his aura more. We both close our eyes, feeling each other's warmth. While our heart gradually increases it's rate.

My Dr. Beloved (Yoongi Ff) Where stories live. Discover now