3. Boiling Noodles

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It's freaking 2 am in the morning! The whole store is empty. And there is us standing in the food zone.

The awkward silence when I got it that he's Yoongi, was broken by the blobbing sound of noddles boiling.

When he decides to break the Ice again...

Yoongi: What?

He looks at me curious and goes back to heat up his noodles.

Yoongi: So you recognized me again? *nodding* sure you're a Doctor!

Yn: Ehh?! OoO?

Yoongi: You know, Doctors are intelligent!

Yn: ooh!?

I'm just looking at him! Not being able to get one proper word out. I'm such a stupid girl. Please Yn, say something!!!!

He suddenly snaps his finger near my eyes. I come out of the trans with that.

Yn: Eh!! Umm...Doctor's are not that "INTELLIGENT" though.

Why my voice isn't coming out? Although it's still audible for him but that's not how I talk usually!!

"Really?" Yoongi asks.

Yn: hmm, they just work hard and manage to have a good composure.

Yoongi: Sure. Looks like it! *smirk*

Yn: It's....It's different when..

Yoongi: when?

Yn: Nothing.

I grab my noodles and the chopsticks and walk away fast to a desk. I can't talk casually like that. I'm in my hospital uniform and coat, I haven't showered in 2 days, it's awful. No no I can't, I can't!!

Yoongi: Is this a new way of asking on a date?

Yn: huh?! 0∆0!

Yoongi: Well, I was talking to you, and surely you noticed I am gonna have this noodles right?

Yn: So?..

Yoongi: So you walked away without words.

Yn: You could've eaten in your car.

Yoongi: aaahhh! right! Not your fault then.

He places his noodles and drink, and sits beside me. The general eating comaprtment is long enough for him to choose any other spot. WHY BESIDE MEEE?!!?! I'm smelly for God's sake!! *almost sobbing*

Ugh!! I can't stop being Delulu!!!!!!

Yoongi: Will you mind if I sit here?

Yn: Umm...

Yoongi: It's a public area, so I can sit anywhere.

Yn: oh! Sure!

Why bother asking me, if you're anyway gonna sit there!? But wait isn't he a person to be in his own bubble most of the time. Why the hell he's choosing a smelly ass me?!?

I try to smell myself sneakily if it's too bad. But fortunately I use perfume on my coat often. And it's saving my day. None would want to present themselves badly in front of their favorite Idol right!

We both dig in, in our food. It's cold outside and having this delicious ramen, is making my tummy VERY happy. I love Jajangmeyon!

I look at his fracture spot. He's moving it well.....

Yn: How is your arm?

Yoongi: So you decide to talk finally?

Yn: No, I just wanna know if my medicine is working.

My Dr. Beloved (Yoongi Ff) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang