7. Ringing

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Yn's POV,

The day passed without any other exciting happening or my heart's racing. Which means, no Min Yoongi!

So as my hormones hit right, I'm now bored, blankly looking at the night sky, with stars filled, blue hued....

Today's sky is pretty clear. It's really rare nowadays. Even if it's not that cloudy, the stars are not that visible from a big city like Seoul. But on the contrary my childhood is filled only with sudden mountain visits and stargazing.

*soft chuckling*
So it would be like this, I would be exhausted from studying throughout the year. And once my results are out, there would be a month long break from school. And in the summer vacations too. And my family would literally decide in two minutes that we need a weather change. But dad used to have work everyday. So Stargazing on the mountain top was our thing.

I'm sitting in the open balcony of my 5th floor apartment. The chilled breeze, the fresh smell of air and the silence paired with cricket's sound, is making me super nostalgic, in the dimlighted room.

Some warm drops of water escaped my eyes comforting the freezed cheeks. And my cravings for the stupid, little, soft and endearing, rare family times, increased multiple folds.


My phone got lightened up. I picked it up with lethargy dropping off of my every body part. All the heavy duties are making me inheritly sick.

Ou it's mom.


Yniee, can you come home next Thursday? We all are having a party during the festive. Tell me if you can!! Okay?


I'll ask for a leave.
But for how many days I have to stay?


Omo! You replied quickly!!
Are you that free suddenly?
2 days will be okay.
I'll introduce you to some of my friends. So after that you can go back😊

Yn :

Sure mom.
You made new friends?
And I just came home from hospital.


Okay. Rest 😘
Yes, and they are really good.
Oh well, How are you?


I'm good.
How are you two?
You both taking medicines regularly?
I'll check once I come!!

No more replies...

And there won't be any until she decides to check again for another request or help Or...


Maybe it's because I'm introvert?
I don't really get along even with my family well. And probably because I stay far away from them too.

They all live in Ulsan. While me, 4 hours away, here. In a BIG city, with "BIG DREAMS", not sure if they were mine anytime....

Can't even remember the times when I had a dream. Or....had the scope to have one....



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