19. Official?

17 1 0

Yoongi's POV,

It's been 4 days since I've returned from her hometown house. She returned with me that day. We both returned to our daily jobs too. But I couldn't erase or forget how she cried on my shoulders. It was like she had a mountain of suppressed emotions that got released.

So I think I'm gonna ask her if I can help her with her wish of continuing dance. And even though I know she probably gonna say she doesn't need it, I'm gonna introduce her to a dance teacher or something.

I was deep in my thoughts in my studio when I hear someone unlocking the door. It's Namjoon.

"Hi, Hyung! Are you okay?" He asks.

Yoongi: Yeah, like I can work.

Namjoon: Hyung, this is the draft of my part. Should we discuss?

Yoongi: Hmm...

The next few hours we just talk about our next songs and musics. Halfway through Hoseok joined too. And it's now dinner time. So they're going.

Hobi: Hyung-nim, aren't you gonna come and eat?

Yoongi: Nope, I think I'll skip tonight.

Joon: Why? Are you on a diet?

Yoongi: No, I... Umm..

They get suspicious. Mainly because of my health. They're thinking I'm ignoring myself again. So they come forward to sit on their previous spots and narrow their eyes to let me know, they're not going unless I let them know what's going on.

Huh! Sure.

Yoongi: I... Ate with.. Someone earlier.

Hobi: Oh!? Really? You're not trying to escape us right?

Yoongi: No! It's not like that. I had a.. Dinner with.. Dr. Yn.

A screeching sound of them getting hyped filled the studio in a second..

Joon: OHHH!! HYUNG! Dr. Yn? You really going to have a thing with her finally?

1 month later,
Yn's POV,

It's been a month the police is searching for the culprit. It's obvious if it wasn't something which involved Yoongi, they wouldn't even keep it open until now. But Hybe is really taking care and still going on with it.

But even after all this, I couldn't be at peace knowing that man could pop up anywhere in either my or his life to hurt him. So I, as quietly as possible continued my own investigation.

2 weeks ago I got my hands on some serious stalking methods. And if it wasn't for my bestie.. I would have still been clueless.

Being a Namjoon biased, she did brought me his private Instagram profile, probably eight to nine years ago. I don't know his face. Nor any document I have. Then how did she know it was him? Well the tatoo on his neck. The one dragon tail with the peoni at the end. I saw that before, at the old man's house. The only poster the torned apart room had was a mythical dragon with several peonies at the tail.

I didn't know how to hack into the account and see the posts cause it counts upto 4 Posts with 8 followers. There she came with her boyfriend again, yesterday to get on the account. I was busy with my job lately, so now I'm gonna sit with it. Let's see what can we access.

I open it. It freshens. Her bf said with my double protected vpn on any notification shouldn't go to the device Kwan is using. So let's not make any other mistakes. My first instinct was to go check the feed. As my chest was heaving up and down with unnatural fear and anxiety, what if I mess it up?

There wasn't much to see. The only trend I noticed was, it was filled with various types of cartoons and animations edits.

So he loves them? He's an Otaku?

I scroll up, only to see it getting filled with reels and posts with girls. But not a single time it was something bad. Not naked, not romantic, it was mainly woman content creators, whom I recognized too!

So he is respectful to women?

Well, this surf gave me enough confidence to go check the posts. The most recent post was him sitting in a studio, a music studio with his head down on the table. Tired. Someone clicked it for him. Second one, two coffee cups on a desk. Third, a picture of Beetle Bailey. Again the cartoon. And the last one, the monitor with various edits and notes made on a song.

It was clear by now, he used to be a music producer of some level.

That's why he hates or more of is jealous of Yoongi? Cause maybe he was gone for 6 years, in jail!! And if we notice that's the timeline when BTS was gradually getting the deserved popularity. Can this be??

But how can you hate someone so much that you try to attempt to murder?

I was going through the followers list when one account really struck my eyes.
It was a profile with Beetle Bailey's friend!! Lt. Sonny!! Right? That's the name right? I can't really remember!! Isn't that a way to show case that these two account holders are friends??? I click on that account faster than light. But it was private too! And with literally 0 post, 0 follower, and over 200 following list! Damn! Is that his spam account.

I would need my bestie again.

A deep sigh gets released as I log out of the account and close the vpn with much care and atlast drop the phone on the side. I never forgot to screenshot the posts though.

I drop straight on the bed. Staring at the ceiling with heavy eyes. I look to the side. One large backpack ready. It was legit from my visit to Ulsan! Yuh! I didn't have the energy nor the time and mood to open that. And now I need it again!

I'm going on a trip with BTS!

Yes! It might sound crazy what I'm about to say...

But, he told the members that we had a thing. Firstly it was just maybe Jhope and Rapmon. But the next day he called me asking for permission if I could tell everyone. And I said yes.

To be fair, I told my bestie E-V-E-R-Y thing that night we kissed. So it wouldn't be fair to him right? Plus I WOULD LOVE to interact with my favorite boyband more. ヾ(^-^)ノ

"I need to pack my bag. Our flight is tomorrow only" I said to myself before drifting off to sleep due to my ruined body seconds after.

To Be Continued...

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