Chapter 19: The Talk

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Pov Wanda

Y/n looks very startled when she notices us and a flash of panic shows in her eyes. Almost as if she was caught doing something she knew would mean trouble. It doesn’t though, not exactly. I’m jealous and not happy at all about her being here on a date but that doesn’t mean she’s getting into trouble. It does, however, mean we are going to talk.

“Hey.” She greets us, placing her phone on the table, the screen still on. Our chat is open, so I guess she really didn’t answer before because she was busy.

Now that I know what she was doing, I am even more disappointed she didn’t write back but I understand it. And Natasha is right, I like that y/n isn’t on the phone when spending time with us but it also means she isn’t on the phone when she spends time with other people.

She shifts in her seat, looking a little uncomfortable and it’s pretty much how I feel as well. Apart from the jealousy, this moment is kind of awkward and I am not sure how to start the conversation.

“Would you mind going for a walk with us?” Natasha offers, handling it a lot better and easier than I ever could.
Y/n nods, glancing between us. There’s a flicker of insecurity in her eyes and it makes my heart ache to see it. Why is she feeling insecure about us all of the sudden? It doesn’t fit her and I don’t want her to feel this way around us.

“I wouldn’t mind, sounds like a lovely idea.” She replies and reaches for her phone to slip it into the little purse she has with her.

I shoot Tasha a thankful look. Having this discussion in a natural environment is probably the best idea. If we had it at our house, it could feel like we are trying to use the home advantage and I don’t want y/n to feel nervous or bad about this talk.

We leave the café behind and find a nice path along the river. There are other people sitting on benches nearby and some are walking as well. With the beautiful weather and it being a Saturday, I am not surprised to see many people outside. But I would prefer a bit more privacy. Not that anyone cares about what we’re about to discuss.

“Is everything okay?” Natasha asks straight up, looking at y/n who plays with a bracelet around her wrist.
Once again, I am grateful for Nat taking the initiative. I would probably have started out asking why she was on a date, which comes across a lot more offensive than I want it to be.

Y/n stays quiet for a moment, which is answer enough.
“I…” She breaks off, fumbling with her fingers and suddenly I worry something bad has happened. Usually, she would tell us but maybe she wasn’t able to this time.
We don’t push her, allowing her to sort through her thoughts and words.

“I feel unsure about us.” She finally says and panic rises inside me. No, no, no, no. Please no!
This doesn’t sound good at all. I don’t want to lose her! Is this why she pulled back and went on a date?

“In which way?” Natasha asks, her voice steady but when I look at her, I can tell she isn’t as calm as she sounds.

“That’s difficult to explain and I am not sure if I’m in the right position to say anything.” Y/n says, pulling a face. I share another look with my wife. This sounds cryptic.

“You are always allowed to say things, no matter in which position you are. Your feelings are your feelings and they are always valid.” I assure her, not wanting her to think she can’t talk to us about this. She takes a deep breath and nods, collecting herself.

“I’m scared you don’t like spending time with me anymore.” She lets out, startling me with those words. My first impulse is to deny that, my second is to worry about what we did that gave her this impression.

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