Chapter 11: Comfort and bonding

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TW: A pet's death

My hand shakes against my will as I dial Wanda's number. It's been almost a week since we last talked but work was busy and I spent the weekend with my friends, leaving no time for her or Natasha. It's fine though, we don't need to see each other on every possible occasion. But right now I need her, need the comfort of her hugs.

She picks up after two rings, even though it's almost eight and she is probably having a calm evening with Natasha.

"Hey, y/n." She says, sounding cheerful about my call but I don't find it in me to show that same excitement.

"Wanda." I reply, hearing the shaking of my voice.

"What's the matter, sweetheart? You sound upset?" She asks instantly. I nod, even though she can't see that. 

"My mom called and told me my childhood pet died today." I tell her, tears burning in my eyes and a sob shaking my body. 

We had Cookie for so many years, I never thought he would die, even if I knew he would someday. I'm just not ready for that day to be today. I'm too far away to drive to my parents and say goodbye and it's already late. It hurts like hell and I feel like a part of my heart just broke off, leaving me bleeding. 

"Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that." Wanda replies softly. I sniffle. 

"Can you come over please? I don't want to be alone right now." I whisper, knowing that is a lot to request, considering she is married and probably already has her evening planned. 

"I wish I could, but I'm not in town at the moment. I had to fly to a business meeting and come back in two days." She answers, making me sob. I try to stifle it but it doesn't work. Wanda winces on the other side of the phone.

"I'm sorry. Can you call anyone else to be there with you? I don't want you to be alone now." She asks. I shake my head, tears spilling from my eyes. 

"No. Two of my friends are out of town as well for an event of their company and the other friend has a little daughter to take care of right now." I reply, hating that it has to be today that Cookie had to die. Every other day would have been terrible too, but at least I would have had someone by my side then.
Wanda takes a breath on the other side of the phone.

"I know, being on the phone is not the same as being there in person, but I'll stay on the phone as long as you need me." She promises. That is better than nothing but not exactly what I need right now. I've always been someone who needs physical comfort when sad. Which isn't always easy. 

"Do you want me to distract you or do you want to talk about your pet?" Wanda offers. 

"I wanna talk about him please, if that's okay?" I ask back.

"Of course, tell me everything about him." She encourages. 

I start talking as more tears start to fall from my eyes. I wrap my arms around my knees and keep talking. Wanda listens to everything I have to say and I am thankful. It's not what I hoped for but it's better than sitting here all by myself and drowning in my feelings.

Just as I'm in the middle of telling Wanda a story about how we went on a walk with Cookie and he nearly pulled me into a lake, there's a ringing at my door. I stop and look towards the hallway and the entrance door. It's probably just a prank anyway. Or someone who forgot their key but I'm really not in the mood to get up and face anyone.

"Go open up." Wanda encourages me, apparently having heard the bell. I hug my knees closer. 

"I don't want to talk to anyone right now, I just wanna be here with you."

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