Chapter 2: Plot twist

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The uber arrives and after opening the car door, Wanda gestures for me to get in. I smile at her in thanks, liking how kind she is. Opening the car door isn't a must, it just speaks for good manners in terms of the flirting game and definitely earns her some points from me. And some extra points for looking so good while doing so.

We get comfortable on the backseat and buckle up while the car stars. Wanda clearly enjoys the warmer air in the air, leaning back into her seat. I put my hand on her knee, where her dress has ridden up. She doesn't shake it off or gives me any other sign of discomfort. Her head just turns to me as she smiles.

"You're a lot better dressed for this weather than I am." She states, letting her eyes travel over my outfit.

"I am, or maybe a dress isn't fitting for the current temperatures we have at night." I offer and her eyes wrinkle in a silent laugh.

"True but sometimes I like wearing dresses. They make me feel powerful and beautiful." She explains. I allow my hand to slide up just a little higher, looking into her eyes that are now dark within the shadows inside the car.

"You are beautiful either way, Wanda. You are a stunning woman." I say and fully mean it.

Her expression softens at my words and her hand comes up to cup my cheek. In her eyes I can read how much the compliment means to her and can't help but to smile even wider at her. Wanda is really beautiful and she deserves to know and hear that. I'll gladly remind her more than once tonight.

"Thank you, that is very sweet of you to say, y/n." She replies and once again, my name sounds heavenly from her lips.

So soft and almost affectionate. It makes my head spin, but that could also be from the drinks I've had. I'm not drunk, not even fully tipsy but my brain tends to spin hazily very fast after drinking something.

"And you are beautiful too." She adds.

I lean my face against her hand and just enjoy the feeling. It's so soft, totally different to the last bit of conversation we had in the bar.
This switch between being sweet and being hot is almost messing with my head and I can't decide what I rather want right now.

My body knows though, craving more of that flirty, sexual tension.
There's still heat inside me, that's slowly spreading between my legs. Wanda leans a little closer and I can feel my lips tingling in anticipation. I'm about to lean in as well but before our lips can touch, she pulls away, a grin on her face. I shake my head with a chuckle. Such a tease! But it's fine, we don't have to rush into anything.

"Did you notice my staring earlier tonight?" I ask into the silence between us.

Wanda's hand isn't on my cheek anymore, instead it's resting on my knee. I can't quite get a read of her, so her expression doesn't tell me anything. She looks at me, the gaze in her eyes almost intense but nonetheless friendly.

"I did. Yes." She answers and I feel my cheeks heating up, the heat spreading to the tips of my ears.
I guess I wasn't as subtle as I thought. She smiles again and gives my leg a squeeze that is probably meant comforting but only sends more sparks flying through me.

"I'm sorry if that freaked you out." I apologize. No one ever caught me looking at them before Wanda, so I don't know how to handle that but apologizing feels right. After all, it's not nice to stare, even if I was just observing. Wanda waves it off.

"You didn't. The way you looked at me wasn't a predatory stare, more an interested but respectful one." She replies. My eyes narrow at her, once again surprised by her own gift of observing a situation. "And I'm glad you look at me, otherwise I wouldn't have sent a drink over."

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