Chapter 6: Let's talk

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When I step out of the building, the air is already cooled off and the sun is low.
My plan was to leave an hour ago but that wasn't possible with the amount of work I had to do.
I texted Wanda early enough so she could plan that change of time into her day. She told me it's okay and that she will still pick me up.

My eyes look over the street, searching for her car. Which is stupid, because I don't know what it looks like.

A black expensive looking car pulls into the street. The windows are tinted and don't allow me to look inside. My eyes dart to the next car, a blue and smaller one. It would definitely fit Wanda.
But the blue car keeps driving while the black car pulls to the side. It's a Ford Mustang, from what I can tell. The window rolls down and reveals Wanda.

"Hey, stranger." She greets me, a lightless in her voice that indicates she is happy to see me. I get into the passenger seat and buckle up while Wanda watches me.

"Hi." I greet her back and give her a smile.

But it's hard to keep looking at her with this interior. The dashboard has an integrated screen and lights reaching from one side to the other. It's set to a dark blue right now.
The seats are leather and the back seems bigger than any entire car I have ever sat in. With a car this size, you could easily do a monthly grocery trip without having to worry about fitting it all inside your car. Everything looks expensive and I almost feel bad to come in here, probably with messy hair after a whole day of work.

"Fancy car." I comment, because I don't know what else to say. My knowledge of cars is limited to how to drive them. Wanda smiles proudly and runs her hand over the steering wheel.

"Thank you, I got it as a birthday gift." She tells me. I whistle impressed. If this is her birthday gift, the size of her house shouldn't surprise me anymore then.

"When was your birthday?"

"Three months ago." She answers and starts the engine. It's very silent, especially compared to my car. I bought it used because I couldn't afford a new one.

"So, I'm guessing, you like cars?" I ask, running a finger over the string of light in the dashboard.

"Yeah, I do. I actually love them and love driving in them. It's not common for women to do that, but it's so amazing. The thrill of going fast and the knowledge that I could go even faster excites me." She answers, smiling happily.

She is right, not many women are into cars but seeing her love and passion for this, I don't understand why. Women can get excited over anything they want and if that involves cars, then they should go for it.
I gotta admit though, I did not expect this from Wanda. It doesn't fit the image I have from her so far. She's this sweet but confident woman who likes to tend to her plants and loves growing her own vegetables and fruits. She just doesn't like cooking them. Her liking in cars doesn't fit that picture but I gladly extend it, happily learning more about her.

"Have you ever driven really fast?" I ask further. Hearing her talk about things she enjoys is always great because she speaks about them with so much passion. It almost gets me excited about them too.

"I have, yes. It was once on a racing track that allowed signed up visitors to test it. It was a lot of fun and I wish, I could do it again but the track closed two years ago." She answers and glances over at me as she stops at a redlight.

"What about you? Do you like fast driving?"


"On what?"

"If I'm the driver or passenger." I reply. She eyes me for a second longer before starting to drive again.

"What do you prefer?"

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