Chapter 17: Surprise appointment

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TW: pain, needle

My foot taps rapidly against the floor as I dial the number. It's not the call I'm nervous about, more the appointment this afternoon.

"Hey, y/n." Natasha greets me with her smooth voice, instantly calming a few of my nerves. My foot slows a bit.

"Hey Nat." I greet back, my voice a slight bit higher than usual, which she seems to notice.

"What's up?"

"I might have something stupid planned." I tell her, waiting for her response. She takes a breath and lets it out.

"Okay." She replies and I wish, I could see her face right now to have an idea what she thinks.

I'm aware, this isn't the usual kind of call but she felt like the right person to call for this. I planned on doing it by myself and let it be a surprise but my nerves got the better of me.
Sitting here until it's time for my appointment and being nervous won't help me at all.

"Can you come with me to an appointment?" I ask, nibbling at my lip.

Sometimes it's still hard to tell what kind of relationship I have with Wanda and Natasha and what's appropriate and what not. If we were officially in a relationship, I wouldn't question these things but we are not, so I do.

"Of course." She answers without missing a beat, making me smile. "When should I come pick you up?"

My heart grows soft at her question. She doesn't have to pick me up, I could go pick her up, it's my appointment after all but I truly appreciate it.
Driving myself would only add to the nerves raging in my body. Besides, I have a hinge that she wouldn't let me drive anyway. Not that she doesn't trust me, she just likes driving, or at least doing these kinds of things for me and Wanda.

"In about an hour?" I offer, hoping it's not too spontaneous. It's the weekend and I know for a fact that Wanda is out with some of her friends that I have yet to meet. But that doesn't mean Natasha has no plans and is free the entire day.

"Works for me. What kind of appointment is it?" She asks.
I let out a small breath of relief, glad she has time for this. Doing this by myself seems like the stupidest idea now and I don't know why I ever thought it would be smart.

"That's a surprise." I say. If I can't have all of it be a surprise, I at least want it to stay one as long as possible. Nat hums on the other end of the call.

"Surprise sounds rather positive. So, I'm guessing it's not your first visit to the gynecologist." She thinks out loud and I shake my head with an amused grin. I didn't know she could be nosy about things but it's rather cute, even just over the phone.

"It's not, I've been there before and do regular check-ups." I inform her, leaning back into my couch.

"Too bad." She says and I almost snort out a laugh.
"If you wanna see me naked, you don't have to hope I take you with me to the gynecologist, you know?"

"I know." She replies easily and I hear the smirk in her voice.
"Is it any other kind of doctor? Are you sick? Should we take this to the ER?" Suddenly she sounds alarmed, the calmness from before gone. I shake my head, even if she can't see.

"No, I'm not sick and it doesn't require a trip to the ER. And it's no doctor appointment." I answer, trying to calm her.

"Are you trying to get pregnant?" She asks, making me laugh out loud this time. I'm loving curious Nat, it's adorable.

"If I wanted to get pregnant, I could just find a man in a bar." I joke, hearing a half-chuckle from the other side.

"I don't like that thought." She admits though and once again, I wish I had called her over video to see her reaction. Doesn't she like the thought of me getting pregnant or me sleeping with a man?
Or anyone else in general?

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