Chapter 10: Cooperate event

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I like my job, I do, but I don't like going to events for my job.
Mainly, because they are always on the weekend. If I had to attend an event within the week, I wouldn't really mind but I mind now. Especially, because I could be spending this Saturday night so much better.

Throughout the last week and a half, I have been spending more time with Natasha and Wanda. I chatted with Wanda and visited her last weekend while Natasha was out. We went on a long walk and talked a lot and got to know each other better.
By now it doesn't feel like I know Wanda for only three weeks, it feels like I know her for a lot longer than that.

When we got back, Natasha was home again and we cooked dinner together while Wanda was doing something on her laptop at the counter.
It was a great day and I enjoyed my time with both of them. Wanda is all soft and sweet while Natasha is still more reserved and doesn't always show much emotion. But after that one morning where she dropped me off at work, she has been more open towards me, which I am very happy about.
She might hide her feelings but that only makes it even more special when she shows them.

I've also noticed that she is slightly more dominant than Wanda. Not in a bad way or anything, she just states clearly when she wants something and her touch is always slightly firmer than Wanda's.
But that doesn't make it uncomfortable, she simply shows what she wants, which helps me understand her sometimes when she doesn't show her feelings openly.

I like getting to know both of them because they are quite different in the way they act and show they care. But both show that they care and that's what I like. I don't feel like the odd one out, even if I am. Sure, they are more familiar with each other and have the casualty of being married for seven years, but I still don't feel like I'm intruding.

I'm honestly happy for them and it warms my heart to see how much they love each other. Just like last week when Natasha and I were cooking. At some point, Wanda was groaning because of something on her laptop, clearly annoyed by it. Natasha went over to her, looked at the screen and scrunched up her nose. Without a word, she pulled Wanda up and into her arms, giving her a soft kiss before whispering something into her ear. Wanda instantly relaxed and smiled.
Natasha whispered a few more things that made Wanda smile and then giggle.

I have no clue what she said or what happened between them, but it lightened up Wanda's mood. They kissed after that and it was a long, deep kiss. It left Wanda a little flushed but happy. They held eye contact for almost a minute, having one of their silent conversations before Natasha pressed a kiss to Wanda's cheek and let her continue working.

I didn't get jealous, not at all.
They share a love that is a million times deeper than the connections I have with them but I still know they care. Just because they share a moment, doesn't mean they care less about me.
They don't intrude when I am kissing one of them or am cuddling, mainly with Wanda. It feels comfortable and relaxed that there is no jealousy coursing between us and if they don't feel the need to be jealous, why should I?
They show me that they care and just because I'm not part of every moment, doesn't mean everything we already had or still have, isn't valid anymore.

Spending time with them has easily become something I look forward to every time. Last week we decided to have a game night the next time we see each other and I was excited over that. I hoped to have it this weekend but then I remembered the event and was bummed out. Playing games with them would be so much better than having to attend this event. But my job requires me to come to these events, so I do.
They can be interesting but with the prospect of having a game night otherwise, it couldn't be any more boring.

I get out of the uber and turn to the building in front of me. It's not my work building but another one, an even bigger one. The lights inside are on, creating a guided path to the hall in which the event takes place.
I would have been here sooner and arrived with by boss, if I didn't have a moment of struggle because the zipper of my dress broke.

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