Chapter 18: Doubts

Start from the beginning

I call up one of my friends, asking if she has someone she could set me up with. She’s always very good connected and sometimes it feels like she knows every queer woman in the city.

I tell her, I’m just looking for a date right now, not necessarily a hookup. Despite being needy, even though I took care of my own needs multiple times, I don’t want to sleep with someone else at the moment. Not until I have my shit figured out. Which might take a while but until then I have a loyal companion in my bedside drawer.

Pov Wanda

“She’s not answering.” I say, staring at my phone, worrying my bottom lip.

“Give her time, you only texted her like five minutes ago.” Nat says, walking by me and pressing a kiss to the back of my head.

“Ten minutes.” I correct, resting my elbows on the kitchen counter before me. Natasha is currently cleaning up a little but I’m not in the mood to help her. Which she doesn’t complain about, never has.

“Right.” Natasha replies, putting away the plates she got out of the dishwasher.

“She could have plans, you know? It’s Saturday afternoon, people tend to have plans then.” She says, which makes me glare at her. An irrational bit of jealousy overcomes me. Of course, y/n can have plans on a Saturday afternoon, but I’d rather if they were with us.
“She won’t sit around all day and wait for one of us to text her.”

“Would that be so bad?” I ask, following my wife with my eyes as she puts away more dishes.
I know the answer to my own question, which is probably why Nat only gives me a look and not a verbal answer.

Of course, I can’t expect y/n to do that, it would be unhealthy if she did. But I am a little disappointed she isn’t answering. Nat and I wanted to go out to a café today and I thought it would be nice to have y/n with us, spend some quality time together because that has fallen short lately. I’ve had a lot of cases to work through and a handful of trips I had to take. Natasha had some busy weeks too, often working all evening to get something done.
There are these phases when our jobs get busy but we always manage to still find time for each other. Which is easy, since we live in the same house but with y/n across city, it’s a bit more difficult. Asking her to come over to cuddle and just watch a movie and then send her home again feels wrong. Having her here in the mornings is great but with how busy it has been, our mornings were rather stressful and I don’t want to pull y/n into that.
I miss having her around more often and I wish, she would live closer.

“Maybe she’ll answer while we’re on our way and we can still invite her.” Natasha suggests, wiping her hands at a tea towel before coming over to me. She stands directly behind me, her arms wrapping around me. I lean back into her embrace, watching my phone again.

“What if she doesn’t?” I ask back.

“Then you will have to put up with just me.” Nat replies, kissing the back of my head. I sigh.
“Sorry, that’s all I can offer.” She says sarcastically and I am quick to spin around on my stool to look at her.

“You are more than enough.” I assure her, placing my hands on her waist and looking up into her beautiful green eyes. The eyes I fell in love with ten years ago and that I fall in love with every day new.

“I just miss y/n.” I admit, leaning my head against her chest, listening to her heartbeat. She waves a hand gently through my hair.

“I miss her too.” She says with a sigh. Natasha will always be enough for me but I got so used to y/n, that it’s starting to get difficult to imagine a life without her. I know what it was before her and it was great, we were really happy, y/n just brought an extra portion of happiness into our lives and I don’t want to miss that.

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