"So what is the job offer?" Honor asked.

"I've been offered a spot on a Presidential campaign as the Press Secretary. I would be traveling around the country writing and giving speeches about all the hot topics going on with the campaign."

"Am I allowed to know who is running?"

"Joe Biden..."

"You were offered a position with Joe Biden's campaign? Rory, you have to take it!"

"I really want to."

"And my brother is on board?"

"As long as our plan for HPG takes shape."

"How would I be taking over?" Honor asked as she got up to get both women drinks.

"We want to promote Bobbi in London to be the COO of the foreign papers and Doyle as COO here. Logon and I talked about maybe making one of them the CEO, but..."

"The company needs to stay in the family." Honor finished for her.

"Exactly! Doyle can run that place in his sleep. He's killing it at his job. He's doing so well running everything that I'm hardly needed. Him and my Grandpa have that place more than covered. I'm mostly the pretty face and name on the wall, which is why you stepping in could work. I write and edit a lot of stories but you would never need to do that. By promoting Doyle to Chief Operating Officer, he can literally run everything without you which is pretty much what he's doing already. He's doing so much that he hardly needs me and I get to spend time with my daughter. Doyle and my Grandpa can handle the office. You will just be the Huntzberger on the letterhead and the pretty face people see in public."

"So what are you saying?" Honor asked as she sat back down.

"Basically, you would only be needed for board meetings and public appearances. Doyle would prep you on the everything you need to know and of course answer all questions you have and advise you on any decisions. You don't even have to be in the office for stuff you can be the voice on the phone while you're shopping."

"So I wouldn't have to make any major decisions?"

"No, you would but you would be fully prepped on what was needed and how to preside, just like I am. Doyle literally runs that place. It's a well oiled machine. And Logan is always just a phone call away and he knows everything. He'll still be helping behind the scenes."

"If that's all you really need, then yeah, I can definitely handle that."

"We'll have it all running without you. It basically already runs without me."

"What about your house?"

"We are keeping our house, we just won't be here for a while. But anytime we are in town, we'll be coming home."

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